cogadh: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, without all of the community patching done. It is so buggy as to be almost unplayable in its default form.
Aliasalpha: Unplayable? I've finished it probably 5-6 times with the retail version and 1.2 patch before I even started using the community patches
I said
almost unplayable. It is very possible to progress through the game and not encounter one of the game breaking bugs, but for most people it is far more common to run into them multiple times, thus preventing you from actually finishing the game. For me, it was always the infamous "Society of Leopold" crash, which was supposedly fixed by the official patch, but still seems to happen quite a bit. It wasn't until Wesp and his unofficial patches came along that particular bug finally got out of my way.
Had I experienced these kinds of problems with any other game, I probably would have given up on it long before discovering the unofficial patches. But, since VTMB is so very good, I stuck with it and still occasionally play it today.