GameRager: is bullshit that they do that yet Gog let's people post competitor deals here every day, and Amazon allows competitor sale threads as well.
ne_zavarj: Then you didn't see the forum of Big Fish Games yet .
------------------------------ "Do not discuss other game sites or game companies, positively or negatively, by name or by nickname." "Post only original material. Posts that contain song lyrics, movie quotes, television quotes, book quotes, or other copyrighted material will be removed to comply with U.S. copyright law." "Avoid religious or political topics. The forums are a friendly place for everyone, and these topics often lead to angry posts and hurt feelings. Posts on these topics will be locked or removed." "Do not respond to or comment on posts or discussions that break the rules. Report the post or discussion to a moderator. Contributing, even to mention that something breaks the rules, keeps that discussion visible and aggravates the problem." Nice , isn't it ?
1. The sale thing I get(even if I think it sucks) as it's their site and they don't want competition.
2. Are they serious? Don't they know about fair use and parody laws allowing people to quote things IRL and online? I can get not posting links to pirated materials or copyrighted works but c'mon.
3. Same as number 1....they possibly don't want to cause trouble among the userbase. I don't agree with it though either.
4. So even to say "I'm reporting this thread" is against the rules? Lol.
keeveek: Lol, nice. I'm glad I don't use steam forums to anything.
How can you talk there, if you can't talk anything about anything?
That's the Big Fish Game Forums rules.
ne_zavarj: Nice , isn't it ?
grviper: Big Brother Fish is watching you.
We should all get temp Big Fish accounts and post a bunch of Doctor Zhivago and 1984 quotes.