koima57: Beside limiting the number of activations / installations, I don't care about DRM. I'm used to sign in to check my identity for my right to use what I purchased, and actually like it as the way it should be. Same as proving your age when you want adult content and services, just normal as regular in check with the laws.
"DRM Free" is a bait to my eyes, either way you must sign in to download your purchases first hand, to access your library and account which all is tied to. Second, it is a licence to use we get anyway, the created work is and remain property of their authors, forever even with giving out source and removing their product from commercial business.
That's it for me. :)
I think you may have convoluted the acquisition of games and DRM protection schemes used with games. I'm not speaking of the initial purchase and acquisition of the game license. I'm referring to the usage of game licenses that have already been acquired and are in your possession, either on your hard disk, dvd, or some other media, already installed or ready for installation. Those games that you launch to play that have some sort of protection scheme that otherwise is not necessary for the game to function if it were excluded.