ok, i'll do that and i'll post a step by step of what i am doing here, so this post will be updated as i go on
first got the game downloaded and installed on steam, version is GOTY deluxe
next i install unofficial_oblivion_patch_v3_2_0 installer
i have all boxs ticked except the disable vampire aging and fix misaligned doors
next i install v1_4_0_Self-installing_exe_version-10739 (this is for shivering isles) using updated archives box
next i install Unofficial Official Mods Patch v15 Installer Version, all boxes ticked
next to be installed is OBMM, with only desktop icon box ticked (the guide mentions nothing about what to do with the 3 other boxes involving associate .omod and .bsa
now i run OBMM, tell it to 'create' then on the pop up that comes up to 'add archive' and select the 'unofficial_patch_supplementals-27710-3-3-6.7z'
this brings up the first of those 2 pop ups (added as attachment
i click yes on that pop up, that brings up attachment pop up 2, i click yes and this is added to the omod creator attachment 3
and i click 'create omod' i get a message saying omod created succesfully, at that point i double click the new omod to turn its icon from green to blue (this in tuen requires me to agree to the overwriting of loads of files) and from that point when i run the game it crashes on exit
all my downloads came from