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does any one like it i reakon it is the best game ever goin round killing all the guards when you are strong enough. it's better with the Skeleton key and heaps of gold. is there anyone that enjoys this games as well.
Now I may be wrong about this but I think there are at least a few peole who like this game.
Personally i both like and loath this game all at the same time.
I hate it. It's so bad.
there's already a thread on this topic
stonebro: I hate it. It's so bad.

whats wrong with it, it is the best game. why do you hate it so bad
hey mate im new to this server so i dont no everything like you
Post edited June 25, 2009 by Twisted_Sword

meh 2 days since the last post is old news. Get with the now weclock :P hmm i suppose you could argue that that one is about the elder scrolls series while this is just about oblivion but whatever
Twisted_Sword: hey mate im new to this server so i dont no everything like you
was I bashing you? no, I wasn't I was just letting you know. Relax dude.
Post edited June 25, 2009 by Weclock
Twisted_Sword: hey mate im new to this server so i dont no everything like you
Weclock: was I bashing you? no, I wasn't I was just letting you know. Relax dude.

you can't be sure he was overreacting either. that's the biggest problem with forums, you can't convey attitude/emotion as easily through typeface.
Oblivion is poop. :)
RSHabroptilus: Oblivion is poop. :)

My feelings exactly.
I find it to be quite fun. Though I require to at least have Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul installed to enjoyed it properly.
I enjoyed it... once I installed some mods.
Yes - even before mods; then after mods was great.
Shivering Isles even without mods was great.
I ended up giving my collectors edition away as I got a bit bored with it.
It was a good game. It could have been a great game, but the level-scaling made for very tedious play at higher levels. You're nearly invincible, but your enemies are proportionately tough, and since you no longer have any need for money, there's not much of a reward for fighting the bad guys. I spent a big part of my late adventuring career sneaking and turning invisible to avoid too many tedious fights.
Plus, there's about 15 actors doing the voices of hundreds of NPCs. That gets repetitive fast.
Even so, I had a lot of fun with it. The Shivering Isles in particular is possibly my favorite gaming locale ever. The first time I walked into it, I was amazed at how... alien... it looked. And all the crazy people who lived there just made it better. Sheogorath is currently #2 on my top 10 list of great NPCs.