Weclock: That's what I'm saying, he's speaking for everyone, and when I said "like the rest of us" I mean, just giving opinions, and not saying that "it'd be good for gog" or "bad for gog" just saying what we feel about it. I'd pay more than $10 for a game if it meant the difference between playing it and not playing it.
C'mon Wec, do we really need to put IMO before every statement we make ?
Had he said 'IMO, it woud be a bad step in the wrong direction for gog.' would that make any difference ?
Obviously people are stating their opinions here, no one is claiming to have the holly grail of truth.
I don't flat out know if it's a bad move for gog, no one can claim to know one way or the other, but i do question if it's a good one, at least at this time.
And i also would pay more than $10 for many games were they here already. But that's us, and as such, from a personnal point of view, you and me, we'd benefit from such a move, 'cause that would mean more games on catalogue at a price we're both willing to pay. But that doesn't mean that the majority of users feel that way, or that such move would/will be a good move for gog in the long run.