Stormseye: I really love GOG, but tend to agree with the above. Generally, I don't buy any of the $9.99 games here. If I was willing to spend ten or fifteen bucks, I would've bought them in the bargain bin at the store. More importantly, I know that if I'm patient, they'll come to Steam for $2 or $3. Case in point: this midweek $2 sale on Pscychonauts. I considered it here for awhile on GOG, and if it had been lower, I might have bought it on impulse. But since I waited, I bought it the instant it hit that sale on Steam. $2? Yes, please! It's not so much that 10 bucks is a lot of money, but rather that I know I can get a game, and three or four more elsewhere for my 10 bucks, so... $14.99? Nah, I wouldn't do it unless it was a triple pack of a series that wasn't available elsewhere.
That's really where GOG hits the mark for me. Games I can't get anywhere else. Because their base prices and sales aren't generally that attractive, and I'm not interested in this bonus stuff.
And I feel pretty confident $15 games wouldn't sell well here for this reason.
Please don't do it GOG. :(