igortufekcic: Not being good at MOBAs, does it mean that you are not a good gamer?
Honestly, I've tried to get into LoL and Dota 2 on several occasions, but I'm just terrible. No matter how much I try, I'm always shouted at in the chat and a reason why my team loses. It's quite disparaging, to be honest.
I think the idea that being a gamer is some kind of contest is a toxic concept. Labeling people as "not gamers" or "bad gamers" because they aren't quite committed *enough* or good *enough* is the most toxic version of marking (defining who is IN and who is OUT of a group) I've seen in any broad culture.
To more directly address your question:
Those games take a while to build the basic skills to play well. That's deliberate in their design. New players are expected to play notably less well. Different players have different learning curves for the various skills. If you enjoy the learning process and striving towards mastery, you might eventually find a lot of rewarding entertainment here. However, that initial investment is more or less necessary.
I don't like this game structure. I think it's not for me. However, if you think this game structure is not a big deal, there are ways to make the learning process more fun such as playing vs bots, playing with friends, and so on.
Getting yelled at and letting your team down as a new player is really unavoidable for a new player.