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DProject: Yeah, I believe so. I don't think it matters whether it's FAT32 or NTFS, or what model it is. But when it comes to capacity, you can never have too much of it. I'd recommend AT LEAST a 200 gigabyte hard drive. As I said, in my case 40 minutes of uncompressed gameplay video footage takes 90 gigabytes of space. Uncompressed 40 minutes of audio (WAV format) is about 1 gigabyte. But then you need to realize, that Windows, all the installed programs, etc. take space too. And I like to keep all the raw footage as long as possible, in case any errors suddenly come to my attention and I need to re-edit something.
So just 200 GBs is enough?

Also everyone which game would you like to see beside Inquisitor? I have some cash to spare and I would want for you to be know to bring some small fanbase to start
DProject: Yeah, I believe so. I don't think it matters whether it's FAT32 or NTFS, or what model it is. But when it comes to capacity, you can never have too much of it. I'd recommend AT LEAST a 200 gigabyte hard drive. As I said, in my case 40 minutes of uncompressed gameplay video footage takes 90 gigabytes of space. Uncompressed 40 minutes of audio (WAV format) is about 1 gigabyte. But then you need to realize, that Windows, all the installed programs, etc. take space too. And I like to keep all the raw footage as long as possible, in case any errors suddenly come to my attention and I need to re-edit something.
Detlik: So just 200 GBs is enough?

Also everyone which game would you like to see beside Inquisitor? I have some cash to spare and I would want for you to be know to bring some small fanbase to start
I think 200 gigabytes is the minimum, if at all possible you should get more. Unless you're using the 200 gigabytes solely for video game footage and don't have to worry about other stuff taking space, such as Windows. Then 200 GB should be sufficient, if you steadily remove older raw footage you no longer need (which in turn means you'll need to compress your footage into full, completed gameplay videos often before you can record more raw footage).

As for the other question, I once again recommend you start off by making a Let's Play of a game you're familiar with already, or a game you're otherwise really eager to make a Let's Play of. As it is your first LP and you still need to learn the ropes when it comes to entertaining commenting, it's much easier to start off with a game you really want to LP YOURSELF. If you decide to do a LP of a game that later reveals to be a big bore for you, the audience will know. You will most likely come off as bored, and making the LPs will become a chore. You're not enjoying it, and the audience will neither. You remove that risk by LPing a game you've played before and love. I really recommend that you start off like that, because then you don't need to focus on the game itself that much: instead you can practice on how to be entertaining. After you've gotten some experience about making commentaries, you can move on to recommended / suggested games if you feel like it. But even then (like I said) you shouldn't do Let's Plays just to get fans. You should do them because you enjoy the game and want to show appreciation by making a Let's Play of it. If you get fans that way, then everything went better than expected. But you should never, ever think that a fanbase is a given: you won't necessarily gain followers just by LPing a game someone wanted you to LP. Think it like this: Say there's a new TV show coming, that has a really interesting setting: there will be FREAKING RAPTORS RIDING ATOP HOVERBOARDS, BATTLING AN ANCIENT EVIL CLAN OF UNIBROWED SAMURAIS. But when the pilot episode airs, you suddenly realize it's total crap. What I'm saying is: even if you plan to make an LP of a game that's really beloved by many - if the LP itself is not entertaining, the people won't watch it. Plain and simple! That's why you need to get experience, hone your commenting skills, and stuff like that. Remember - the most famous guys on the internet, who do Let's Plays, worked HARD to get tons of subscribers. They didn't just upload a stage of Mario Bros., and the next day have thousand of people praising the video. Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm just saying this so that you don't get your hopes up and immediately expect to gain tons of fans, even if it never happens. If you're GOOD at making Let's Plays, it is possible though!

Again, I wish you the best of luck on your LP career! I'm still excited to see what kind of material you manage to produce.
Detlik: So just 200 GBs is enough?
Short answer: no.

As for 'is capacity the only concern?' I'd generally recommend avoiding Green models, based on what I've heard. A biodegradable drive is one thing, but you don't want that shit degrading while you're still using it. Also avoid external drives. If need be, get an internal drive and stick it in an external enclosure. Same thing. But with a new hard drive instead of an overpriced refurbished one.
Detlik: So just 200 GBs is enough?

Also everyone which game would you like to see beside Inquisitor? I have some cash to spare and I would want for you to be know to bring some small fanbase to start
DProject: I think 200 gigabytes is the minimum, if at all possible you should get more. Unless you're using the 200 gigabytes solely for video game footage and don't have to worry about other stuff taking space, such as Windows. Then 200 GB should be sufficient, if you steadily remove older raw footage you no longer need (which in turn means you'll need to compress your footage into full, completed gameplay videos often before you can record more raw footage).

As for the other question, I once again recommend you start off by making a Let's Play of a game you're familiar with already, or a game you're otherwise really eager to make a Let's Play of. As it is your first LP and you still need to learn the ropes when it comes to entertaining commenting, it's much easier to start off with a game you really want to LP YOURSELF. If you decide to do a LP of a game that later reveals to be a big bore for you, the audience will know. You will most likely come off as bored, and making the LPs will become a chore. You're not enjoying it, and the audience will neither. You remove that risk by LPing a game you've played before and love. I really recommend that you start off like that, because then you don't need to focus on the game itself that much: instead you can practice on how to be entertaining. After you've gotten some experience about making commentaries, you can move on to recommended / suggested games if you feel like it. But even then (like I said) you shouldn't do Let's Plays just to get fans. You should do them because you enjoy the game and want to show appreciation by making a Let's Play of it. If you get fans that way, then everything went better than expected. But you should never, ever think that a fanbase is a given: you won't necessarily gain followers just by LPing a game someone wanted you to LP. Think it like this: Say there's a new TV show coming, that has a really interesting setting: there will be FREAKING RAPTORS RIDING ATOP HOVERBOARDS, BATTLING AN ANCIENT EVIL CLAN OF UNIBROWED SAMURAIS. But when the pilot episode airs, you suddenly realize it's total crap. What I'm saying is: even if you plan to make an LP of a game that's really beloved by many - if the LP itself is not entertaining, the people won't watch it. Plain and simple! That's why you need to get experience, hone your commenting skills, and stuff like that. Remember - the most famous guys on the internet, who do Let's Plays, worked HARD to get tons of subscribers. They didn't just upload a stage of Mario Bros., and the next day have thousand of people praising the video. Rome wasn't built in a day. I'm just saying this so that you don't get your hopes up and immediately expect to gain tons of fans, even if it never happens. If you're GOOD at making Let's Plays, it is possible though!

Again, I wish you the best of luck on your LP career! I'm still excited to see what kind of material you manage to produce.
I love you for these posts, thanks a lot for help

Detlik: So just 200 GBs is enough?
Navagon: Short answer: no.

As for 'is capacity the only concern?' I'd generally recommend avoiding Green models, based on what I've heard. A biodegradable drive is one thing, but you don't want that shit degrading while you're still using it. Also avoid external drives. If need be, get an internal drive and stick it in an external enclosure. Same thing. But with a new hard drive instead of an overpriced refurbished one.
Thanks a lot and slight bump for the night
So if I get it correctly

Pick a game that is fun for me to play

Comment frequently and try to be funny/witty

Use Fraps for recording of the game and ingame audio

Use Audacity for recording my voice

A lot of space for the vids

Small advertising here and on the forums I frequently visit (and of course send link to friends)

Now for some questions :

About quality of headset Steel Series Syberia V2, is that enough?

Video editing - Is Windows Movies Maker enough or should I get some...more quality one?

Will weird accent (Due to my czech origin) and slightly bad pronunciation be a problem?
Detlik: Will weird accent (Due to my czech origin) and slightly bad pronunciation be a problem?
Speak your native tongue and add English subtitles.


Detlik: Will weird accent (Due to my czech origin) and slightly bad pronunciation be a problem?
Cambrey: Speak your native tongue and add English subtitles.


I will try to speak English, I need to practice and I want to do it for the sake of future lets plays, now the question is if I will try to get in my localization (Czech one) or wait for English one...the problem is I am not sure if Czech one is with English subtitles and I am not sure if I would be entirely comfortable translating every single word.
So best for recording is Fraps? I heard that Dxtory might be even better...which program do you think is best for recording game? example of my current setting with my pronunciation...what do you guys think? Should I give it a shot and record full-time video?
Good job for a 1st shot. I didn't catch everything you said, but keep going, you can only improve. Quality wise, the video is really nice.

I didn't catch the name of the game though, what is it ? It looks interesting.
Cambrey: Good job for a 1st shot. I didn't catch everything you said, but keep going, you can only improve. Quality wise, the video is really nice.

I didn't catch the name of the game though, what is it ? It looks interesting.
A valley without a wind, basically Metroid+Castlevania+Terraria with Hardcore mode
Cambrey: Good job for a 1st shot. I didn't catch everything you said, but keep going, you can only improve. Quality wise, the video is really nice.

I didn't catch the name of the game though, what is it ? It looks interesting.
Detlik: A valley without a wind, basically Metroid+Castlevania+Terraria with Hardcore mode
What is this devilish language of yours? This forums needs more of beautiful czech words like: 'kurva', 'hajzl', 'dořiti' či "Rath"

Also, are you now fanboy of Arceen?
Post edited May 16, 2012 by Bodkin
Detlik: A valley without a wind, basically Metroid+Castlevania+Terraria with Hardcore mode
Bodkin: What is this devilish language of yours? This forums needs more of beautiful czech words like: 'kurva', 'hajzl', 'dořiti' či "Rath"

Also, are you now fanboy of Arceen?
Hm...I could sometimes curse in Czech similar to Dr. Zelenka in Stargate Atlantis. And kinda, got AI War complete bundle...Arceen is awesome.

On unrelated and related note. Where can I find animator who would do animation which I would always put on end of my videos?
Detlik: A valley without a wind, basically Metroid+Castlevania+Terraria with Hardcore mode
Bodkin: What is this devilish language of yours? This forums needs more of beautiful czech words like: 'kurva', 'hajzl', 'dořiti' či "Rath"

Also, are you now fanboy of Arceen?
You guys "borrowed" that one from us, just so you know :D
Slight bump of greater justice. What is best free/cheapish Video Editing software which would enable me to ensure prime quality from raw footage of FRAPS and perhaps ease the pain in the ass called subtitles?