yyahoo: What a strange person... So to condense this:
I had trouble buying a game on GOG. I know it's because my bank has a problem with GOG's geographic location and that I can easily correct this problem by contacting my bank and authorizing it, but I don't want to go to that much "trouble." That said, I *am* going to the trouble off going onto the forums and complaining about it, but don't bother trying to help me because I don't really want help. I just want to tell you that I'm not buying something. Nyah, nyah!
There was someone just the other day posting on the forums with the same attitude regarding making a small adjustment to a game he purchased to get it to run properly. People kept trying to help him, but he really just wanted to come to the forums to complain because the game didn't work "out of the box" and that he wasn't going to go to the "trouble" to make any adjustments to make it work. "Blah, blah, Steam isn't like this, blah blah."
Strange people coming around, very strange.

rivetman: "
I had trouble buying a game on GOG. I know it's because my bank has a problem with GOG's geographic location and that I can easily correct this problem by contacting my bank and authorizing it, but I don't want to go to that much "trouble"
-- And I am not going to contact my bank every time i make a game purchase. You dont have problems buying games here, I get it...but I do.
[i] "That said, I *am* going to the trouble off going onto the forums and complaining about it, but don't bother trying to help me because I don't really want help. I just want to tell you that I'm not buying something. Nyah, nyah!
-- What are you...10 years old? My OP was basically asking for help / advice...not mealy-mouth BS from people like you.
Strange people coming around, very strange"
-- Such as you?
DieRuhe: My credit union card won't work here, but my bank card works just fine. Never tried Pay Pal.
I can understand the idea that sometimes when you want something, you want it then and there with no "hassles." But yeah, I agree that being presented with a solution and then saying "Nope, not going to do that" kinda takes away the right to complain about it.
And if Fraud Protection called and asked you about it, what happened there? Couldn't you have "cleared it up" at that point and had them authorize the purchase? Just asking out of curiosity, not trying to be snippy.
rivetman: fraud protection cannot process transactions.
There are 30+ replies in here and you've replied to mine to complain some more and to another guy to let him know that you can't process transactions through a fraud protection call. I'm sorry. It really doesn't seem to me like your looking for help. Your second post in this thread ends rather definitively with "*shrug* No sale". I'm shocked that you replied again at all, so color me wrong at least in that regard. I hope you're able to get this straightened out.