Tarm: That is actually good. Look for the whole picture. You make a stand although it hurts you too bad in that company/region/state/whatever you show that you're not just all talk. This is unfortunately the way most change and points are made. Some people take the hit just so that many others might get something better.
I didn't read the link but by your post I guessed what it was about. If I'm way of just count my post to drunken attention span syndrome and leave it at that.
muttly13: The only people who are going to take a hit here are the workers. Management will sell the rights for loads of cash (dont worry twinkie lovers, a minor interruption at worst) and the union bosses will continue to collect their dues from all the other members. While Joe and Sally worker who "stood up for the cause" are out on the street.
You make it sound like it's the union boss's fault. FWIW, no strike, NONE, ever occurs without a vote from membership. A union represent's the wishes of the workers and it's the workers who decide what those wishes are.
If there's any blame here, it lays squarely on the CEO and upper management, just as they get credit when their business does well.
ADDED IN EDIT: Oops, should've stressed that last sentence was just my opinion, though I suppose that's obvious.. It's just in my opinion if CEO's want to claim credit when their business does well (and they do) then they get the blame when it doesn't.