StingingVelvet: I'm in favor of unions but sometimes they are unrealistic and fuck over the hands that feed them. Shame.
Tarm: That is actually good. Look for the whole picture. You make a stand although it hurts you too bad in that company/region/state/whatever you show that you're not just all talk. This is unfortunately the way most change and points are made. Some people take the hit just so that many others might get something better.
I didn't read the link but by your post I guessed what it was about. If I'm way of just count my post to drunken attention span syndrome and leave it at that.
I don't know. When people from the other unions associated with Hostess blame you for killing the company, it's possible that the union in question was in the wrong. Add to that that a lot of the members of the union had crossed the picket lines and returned to work, and again, it makes the union look bad.
There's making a stand for the greater good, and then there's chopping off the hand that feeds you in order to stand for making as much as possible. It's a fine line.
It doesn't sound like Hostess had much of a chance anyway. They were neither big enough, nor adaptable enough to survive with the times.