Posted January 27, 2012

Story wise bioware has gone from decent/enjoyable plots to hamfisted/unbearable nowdays. I don't expect anything to change on that department. Characters in ME3 (I haven't checked but I'm almost willing to bet) will be more clichéd, more retarded and more blunt than the previous iteration. Cheap thrills and cheesy tears...
While I think that ME2 was a huge deal better than ME1 in gameplay (the first one has awful gameplay), it's exactly the opposite in the story and atmosphere part. Enough to make you stop caring. Same with Dragon Age. The first was a quite good execution of the same ol', same ol'. The second... well, it makes you wonder if they even pretend to try.
I was willing to overlook the bad writing for fun gameplay, given the experience of ME2, but now that I know that they can sink to the low depths of DA2's writing, as well as the EA's DLC lechery and Origin malware and... you've got another thing coming. Or think... I don't know. But it's certainly "another".