anjohl: I gotta tell you, the series died with ME2 for me. I doubt I will ever play a BiowarEA title again. Mass Effect was for a long time tied with Chrono Trigger as my favorite RPG. It had this neat "Star Trek" vibe, and was so cinematic, it really blew me away. After getting back into console gaming last year, I picked up ME2, but got stuck hard into Fallout 3 and only started ME2 a month ago.
Within an hour I was ready to trade it in. First off, the little "Cerberus Network" prompt coming up if you are offline, which I almost always am, telling me it could not connect is VERY irritating, since the network has no use if you are just continuing a saved game, which is my main use of the title screen. Secondly, the combat engine switched from a real time tweaked KOTOR, to a dumbed down Gears of War cover shooter system. I also vehemently disagree with these stupid download code special editions, which require you to deal with XBox live, hard drive storage, DRM, etc, just to enjoy the game as designed. This entire console generation, and the DLC Devolution turns me completely off gaming. I miss the days of expansions, which typically came out a year after the initial release, and buffed the original game by 40-60%. This new scene reeks, because now my game disc is not the game. My hard drive is, and the disc is simply enabling me to play. Not cool.
Anyway, sorry for the long rant, but I have to say, I am severely disappointed that one of my "go to" developers have sold their soul so swiftly. I worry now about trying out any major franchise by a major publisher that's not Bethesda, out of fear that I am just going to get attached just before the EA/Activision buyout.
I must say, I really lost my faith in the series in the second one as well.What annoyed me the most was the retcons and plot contrivances though-right from the getgo they kill Shepard and blew up the Normandy to railroad Shepard into working for Cerberus. None of those three plot developments made any sense to me. The Normandy was rebuilt, and so was Shepard, so both those two developments lack any sort of impact. They could have used that opportunity to let us play as a new character, or to get a new ship. As is it was completely pointless and somewhat silly and only served to get Shepard and Cerberus working together, which was silly in itself. Any number of other Mass Effect organizations could have filled the role Cerberus did, and served it better. This was all in the introduction of the game to boot.
That sort of thing really drew me out of the game because it felt disconnected from the original. Other stuff that irked me was the Geth being replaced by the collectors, the wierd holographic armor, and of course, the thermal clips.
That's just the problems I had with the setting and plot, not even mentioning the gameplay, which I felt was a step downward as well. I also felt that the removal of planetside exploration and the customization and inventory options was a step backwards as well, it made the player options seem mroe limited, and made the scope of the game, and the size of the setting feel much smaller.
Honestly, I do not understand what so many people praise the sequel so much, it seemed to be a step backwards in just about every category compared to the original. I don't have much hope for the third, what I have seen so far looks liek they are going to keep on going down that path, the silly holographic armor evolving into silly holographic knives, for instance.