Posted February 07, 2012

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany

Registered: Dec 2010
From Switzerland
Posted February 07, 2012
haha, this.
i think Bioware are the first developer who's learned that if you offer GotY editions eventually, some interested gamers are just going to wait for that. so they don't offer GotY editions anymore, effectively forcing you to buy the DLC separately and at full price.
you can't really blame them. when an increasing number of PC gamers buys games only at 75% off during sales, a developer has to make money somewhere else. that's where DLC comes in.
i think Bioware are the first developer who's learned that if you offer GotY editions eventually, some interested gamers are just going to wait for that. so they don't offer GotY editions anymore, effectively forcing you to buy the DLC separately and at full price.
you can't really blame them. when an increasing number of PC gamers buys games only at 75% off during sales, a developer has to make money somewhere else. that's where DLC comes in.
Post edited February 07, 2012 by Fred_DM

Registered: Oct 2009
From Czech Republic

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island
Posted February 07, 2012


Registered: Dec 2010
From Switzerland
Posted February 07, 2012
yes, that's the major flaw in their system.
let me see:
Mass Effect: no GotY
Dragon Age: Origins: Ultimate Ed. (not complete, though!)
Mass Effect 2: no GotY
Dragon Age 2: no GotY
i don't see why you would expect a ME3 GotY.
let me see:
Mass Effect: no GotY
Dragon Age: Origins: Ultimate Ed. (not complete, though!)
Mass Effect 2: no GotY
Dragon Age 2: no GotY
i don't see why you would expect a ME3 GotY.
Post edited February 07, 2012 by Fred_DM

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island

Maverick Hunter
Registered: Aug 2009
From Peru
Posted February 07, 2012

and ME1 didn't really have enough DLC to warrant a release. ME2... maybe they will do one for ME3 as a promotion?
The "GOTY" edition of ME2 is the PS3 one which includes all DLC but I doubt they will do one for PC because the DLC has been selling just fine on its own.

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted February 07, 2012

If increasing numbers of gamers are waiting for sales, it may be an indicator that their prices are too high.

Registered: Dec 2010
From Switzerland
Posted February 07, 2012

depends on the DLC, obviously, but DLC in general seems to sell well enough. one thing is for certain: Bioware and Bethesda wouldn't be doing this much DLC (and high-quality DLC at that!) if it didn't sell.
may be true for some games, but certainly not for Bethesda and Bioware games.
or maybe they're not and that's why we're not seeing GotY editions of certain games...?
yeah well, why would game prices suddenly be too high? they generally haven't increased, with the exception of a few regions/publisher/individual games, while production costs have shot through the roof in the last 10 or so years.
Post edited February 23, 2012 by Fred_DM

Registered: Feb 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted February 07, 2012

and ME1 didn't really have enough DLC to warrant a release. ME2... maybe they will do one for ME3 as a promotion?

The "GOTY" edition of ME2 is the PS3 one which includes all DLC but I doubt they will do one for PC because the DLC has been selling just fine on its own.

New User
Registered: Sep 2011
From Germany
Posted February 07, 2012
Unfortunately, all the 75% sales and GOTY versions of other games also mean that a portion of the people waiting for Mass Effect GOTY will simply not buy it at all if there is no bundled collection. No idea how numerous they will be, though - possibly a negligible crowd (I will be among them).
But in principle, I agree: If they want more people to buy games at full price, they must not have 75% sales and GOTY versions within a year. It would still take long to change people like me though, because that backlog will last quite a while...
Oh, right, and of course Bioware points. No need to lose any more words on those, I believe.
But in principle, I agree: If they want more people to buy games at full price, they must not have 75% sales and GOTY versions within a year. It would still take long to change people like me though, because that backlog will last quite a while...
Oh, right, and of course Bioware points. No need to lose any more words on those, I believe.

Registered: Oct 2010
From Latvia
Posted February 16, 2012

Right bastard
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted February 17, 2012
Yep, when it comes to reasons to hurl a game aside, weird running animations are at the top of the list for any rational person.
Just stop. This is weak as fuck even for you.
Just stop. This is weak as fuck even for you.

Registered: Oct 2010
From Latvia
Posted February 22, 2012

Registered: Mar 2011
From Malaysia
Posted February 22, 2012
Lately, i've been thinking.. so many post got low repped if they don't sounds favourable to certain group. Like OP first post, he stated his case. Nothing malicious.