Posted February 01, 2012

Registered: May 2009
From United States

Registered: Jan 2011
From Christmas Island
Posted February 01, 2012
I've no idea who Ms Chobot is, but I love how the dude who looks like a particularly scowly shaved gorilla is voiced by skinny giggly geeky fellow. :-)
But hoo boy the artificially excited boombasticness of that advertisement is beyond ridiculous. And here I thought DA2's marketing campaign was over the top...
But hoo boy the artificially excited boombasticness of that advertisement is beyond ridiculous. And here I thought DA2's marketing campaign was over the top...

Registered: Mar 2009
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted February 01, 2012

Man, you people. Never satisfied by anything.

Mass Effect 2: Shooter with basic RPG elements.
Mass Effect 3: Multi-player shooter with a choose your own adventure thrown in.
Of course people aren't happy.
Only time will tell. It's still to early to say anything.

Registered: Feb 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted February 01, 2012

Man, you people. Never satisfied by anything.

Mass Effect 2: Shooter with basic RPG elements.
Mass Effect 3: Multi-player shooter with a choose your own adventure thrown in.
Of course people aren't happy.

Registered: Jan 2011
From Christmas Island
Posted February 01, 2012

Only time will tell. It's still to early to say anything.
All in all, the mindset "all marketing = bullshit" will serve you better than gullibility.
Post edited February 01, 2012 by krakadyla

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted February 01, 2012

Only time will tell. It's still to early to say anything.

All in all, the mindset "all marketing = bullshit" will serve you better than gullibility.
When a new game is announced, I wait to see good gameplay footage and/or playing the game before I brush it off. If the only information I have comes from the developpers, I have to assume it's true (beside, the Dragon Age II example is quite easily open to interpretation, but that's not a discussion for this topic (I personally enjoyed the game despite it not reaching my expectation. If they're willing to listen to player feedback, I'd gladly accept a Dragon Age 3)).
Then again, it's a different part of Bioware that develops Mass Effect 3 than Dragon Age.

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted February 01, 2012
Stupid side question. If I buy the PEGI version in Germany, that is the international european version, right? (As it is also "refused classification" on the german youth protection scale)

Three G's
Registered: Nov 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted February 01, 2012

Only time will tell. It's still to early to say anything.

All in all, the mindset "all marketing = bullshit" will serve you better than gullibility.
Post edited February 01, 2012 by TrIp13G

Registered: Feb 2010
From United Kingdom

Registered: May 2010
From United States
Posted February 01, 2012

ME 1 and 2 were both fantastic games with a presentation unmatched by most games in the genre, and they are among the most replayable games ever. i must have replayed the original ME 4 times now.
as for the abundant pre-order DLC, it pisses me off but the stuff can usually either be unlocked in alternate ways or simply downloaded off you-know-where.
Post edited February 01, 2012 by Arianus

Registered: May 2010
From United States
Posted February 01, 2012

Not having to have played the predecessors to get everything from the story is hardly dumbing down. Especially when you don't get those additional hints starting with a previous savegame, i.e. you know this stuff.

But on topic, i lost hope in Mass Effect 3 when the Co-Op shit was announced to justify their Online Pass, and lost even more when it was said that the multiplayer will affect the singleplayer.

Once New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted February 07, 2012
I'm posting this neither for or against ME3 since I have no opinion on it whatsoever, but I thought this comic was funny and a good-natured dig at RPG advertising in general, not just ME3:
Every Choice Matters!!
Every Choice Matters!!

Not a lake
Registered: Jun 2009
From Sweden
Posted February 07, 2012

Every Choice Matters!!

Devil's Advocate
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted February 07, 2012
Awesome part about being away from my PC for 2012 is that I will get everything cheap and in bundled collections with the DLC when I catch up in 2013.