Export: And, correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't recharge from the console itself, you have to get a separate docking bay (or buy the premium edition of the console, which includes the bay) and plug it into the mains.
ET3D: I'm sure you're wrong. The details aren't available yet, but I can't imagine the base console requiring the purchase of additional hardware to work.
Well the pathetic battery life is true, and while I was also right about the docking bay coming with the premium edition, the controller can be charged without it. From an AC mains adapter rather than the console. Great design.
Export: I swear, N64 onwards, each new console Nintendo have made makes it seem like their first one.
I'm sure Nintendo will consider this high praise. Looks like it's trying to reinvent itself with each console, and at least with the Wii it had great success.
I didn't say they were all different, I referred to how they were all terribly designed, poorly conceived and "died" before their competitors, despite always being released much later. With the Wii they got a huge market of little girls and housewives (statistically a fact, according to Edge magazine's publishing of the demographics) who only bought Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit. Their third-party support situation was just as bad as it was on the N64 and GC. As developers have said, Nintendo only make consoles so they can release their own games on them, they don't seem to give a crap about other developers. The fact that the Wii has had about 3 noteworthy games in the last year or more despite having a large userbase says it all, and two of those are JRPGs that would have been taken as pretty average on the PS2.
I'd love the Wii-U to break this trend and for them to get back to their SNES glory days, or at least just have a similar range of third-party support to the DS, and games beyond just Zelda, Mario and Metroid - and then the 4 games that fanboys point out as proof of variety. And the excuse of innovation is terrible. With the Wii they just effectively released a peripheral for the Gamecube, a pretty poor motion control device, then repackaged a Gamecube as something new - and released the 260th Mario game and Ocarina of Time 4. Clever from a profiteering point of view, but terrible from an innovation and gaming one. Still, somehow I do remain vaguely optimistic for the Wii-U.