I've got a Ds and a XL for many years, here are my best picks :
- Hotel Dusk and Last Window, part 1 & 2 in this order, great adventures games.
- Ace Attorney series : Phoenix Wright, Appolo, Miles Edgeworth.. Visual novel at its best!
- 999, superb writing and clever game.
- Shantae from DSi shop, best 2D game from the store with metroidvania elements. Also, Monster Tale for 2d is great!
- The Castlevania games, Dawn of Sorrow the most then Ecclesia finally Portrait of Ruin a bit poor with characters style.
- Final Fantasy 3 & 4 remakes, Dragon Quest 9, Golden Sun, Nostlagia.. Good bunch of the best 3d rpg you can get on DS.
- Super Scribblenauts, innovative and smart game.
- Elite Beat Agents, lots of humor, rhythm game.
- Dragonball Z RPG, quite alright!
- Ghost Trick game, much interesting and new concept.
Have a good game!
Post edited January 03, 2013 by koima57