Posted April 21, 2014

Dammit, up 1-0 all night, then give up four in the 8th to lose it 4-2.
Come on Nats, you guys are better than this.
Can one of you ninjas tell me what a ninja could possibly want with a free game of Space Chem (plus it's DLC 63 Corvi)?
If you convince me you really want it, it's yours. Word of warning though, the Nats lost and I'm in a bad mood, so convincing me won't me easy. You ninjas will have to use your creative skills instead of your stealth ones on this one. Probably shouldn't have posted in the ninja thread, but didn't really want to start another.
Meantime, am offski!
Inabit folks - have a goodun and beware of tigers!
nAh, just derailing the mofomomo!
Post edited April 21, 2014 by Sachys