Chippas: Having said that, is it really necessary for people to burst off for me posting a key that I find no interest in? What does it matter if i post the link to the page where I found it, or if I post a key to it? The proper answer would be something along the lines of "Thanks, but those keys are avaliable for free at".
I'm sure BoneC didn't want to attack you but the keys you sent were mentioned two time in a pretty popular thread so maybe he thought you were exploiting it.
Well if you read ac couple of pages then you'll see that this is the main reason for people arguing/flaming/name calling each other. Some say that it's free anyway and I post them here on gog so people don't have to make a reddit/FB/twitter account and it's not like he/she is asking money for it. So someone asking 10 keys and giving it away to 10 people is the same thing... Also the higher the reps doesn't mean that you'll automatically win anything or get paypal money for it.
On the other hand there are some devs that don't approve this method and revoke the keys. So people who actually want to enjoy the title are punished for a few and this will also result in less and less free stuff. Also if you find a free content why not share the source with everyone so we as a community can benefit from it, instead of posting a key every hour?
These flaming has caused a lot of contributing and friendly members to leave this forum....
@BoneCleaver LOL karma is a bitch xD But I genuinely missed that giveaway because I don't have an amazon account lol.
Oh man you gotta love gog members :D