drpaulthetall: Hi Guys,
I am paulthetall from paulthetall.com, I port games to the Mac for the ones who do not know, on paulthetall.com/ If you have Steam serials or GOG games for giveaway and want to support the project , or want a specific windows game ported to Mac, so I can try to port the game, please PM me the serials and I will let you know if I already own the game yes or no. If I have I will delete the email so you can use the code to make someone else happy ;)
Thanks for the support in advance!
Paul the Tall
ps. if a moderator see this post and wants to make this a sticky one, then this will be appreciated.
No offense but i don't think this is the right place to ask, and you are better of making your own post about this, then more will see it too.
Also moderators don't sticky posts like this unless something is really important.