I stopped caring a while ago. The topic came up simply because it was a requirement for others to participate in hellmonster67 reply giveaway. So I simply suggested not to base the giveaway on rep. Nothing more.
SlyFox: I'm pretty sure it isn't the case. One day I didn't claim anything. I simply said congrats and happy birthday and still got downrepped.
gbaz69: That isn't a big enough 'slow down' silly.
It also doesn't matter, once someone gets it stuck in their mind after labeling you, they will forever downrep you based on harasment alone.
Personally for me, I don't feel welcomed at gog, specifically after being cursed at and selectivly removed from giveaways that were opened for all, just makes me sad really.
I'm poor and the only reason I did have money to spend was because I sold my car and pawned my living room furniture (which I missed buying back and now my living room is empty) and had a couple hundred $ left over from paying off bills.
I'm not the only one. Even people who never claimed a game but instead create giveaways see their rep decrease.
I was just trying to say it's someone that enjoy abusing the system.
I doubt that even if I were to only claim a game once a month, this would change anything.
Don't let those few people get to you. Sadly they are everywhere on the internet since there are so many people, so there's no way to avoid them. Just ignore them and try to find the few that are more sincere and accepting.