SlyFox: that's strange. Did they block your desura account?
I think the best way to handle it is to contact the store where you bought those games. With them behind you to support your case, you might have a better chance to convince Desura.
And That store doesn't want to lose clients so they will probably try to solve this.
I tried it with Desura on Monday and a few hours ago with IndieRoyale (aka Desura) again.
both times i get this:
Hiermit ermächtige ich Desura, auch zukünftig geschuldete Beträge einmalig, regelmäßig oder unregelmäßig von meinem PayPal-Konto einzuziehen. Ich weise PayPal an, die angeforderten Beträge im Rahmen des Einzugsverfahrens gemäß den Nutzungsbedingungen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wenn ich in meinem PayPal-Profil keine bevorzugte Zahlungsquelle festgelegt habe, wird hierfür meine Standardzahlungsquelle verwendet. Im Bereich Zahlung per Händlerabbuchung kann ich die Zahlungsquelle jederzeit ändern oder diese Autorisierung zurückziehen.
(in short they ask for access for future owed bills)
and i contacted them and got this:
I understand the concern, and the authorization will drop off on its own, I will however pass it along to our development team as feedback. However, for the unforeseeable future, and this may or may not change, we will not be removing the authorization.
Tommy Linden
IndieRoyale Support
On 3/5/2014 1:08 PM, Schnuff wrote:
It confuses me why you ask for a debit authorization.
Yes i can cancel the authorization, but why asking for it? All my games are paid there is no reason to give
you access to my paypal account. Till thats not changed i'll stop buying from Desura.
Schnuff: edit:
for me it means no longer IndieRoyale/Desura....sorry folks no longer keys from
them for you :p
niniendowarrior: Wait... is it Indie Royale selling the Desura keys to you? Shouldn't they be the ones charging?
Indie Royale is part/branch of Desura