lemuria: Wanna play Swtor ? hehe
Rift is too colorful for me.
Tarnicus: heh my ex's brother plays that. I would have loved to play the original Star Wars MMO due to the crafting and reminding me a lot of the concepts of my first MMO, Ultima Online. I won't say no, but just like with women, I don't juggle MMOs too well :P So will see how long my fascination with Rift lasts and I'll keep it in mind :)
Ultima Online is different universe.There is no game to compare with UO and Elrinda is really playing good with thief characters on UO. He can steal anything on your character, i remember he stole lot of items during order and chaos war .
lugum: Both from Turkey, do you know eachother?
Elrinda: Sure, friends since 20 years =) or is it forbidden to be friends?
and i miss to drink with you, call me when you come my city :P