Sachys: Out of interest, how many of you have played "choose your own adventure" books (such as the fighting fantasy ones of yore - or similar modern takes) and enjoyed them?
- bit of research for a little something!
I absolutely LOVE those kinds of stories, and they were my entry into RPGs. I started with Choose-Your-Own-Adventure, quickly moved to Fighting Fantasy, Tunnels & Trolls, Lone Wolf(fucking awesome!) then got the Dungeons & Dragons Basic set when was 10. Soon after getting a group together at school, and ignoring the teachers and classwork in order to play, they banned it! This was back in the days when it was considered Satanic lol. YOU CAN'T BAN IMAGINATION MOTHERFUCKER! :P
So yes, I love them, and have recently found a series of them for my phone but have yet to play them :)
blakstar: Sachys offers you an adventure book. Do you:
1. Accept his offer? Type "yes".
2. Run like hell? Turn to another internet page.
3. Fill the thread with sausages? You already know what to do! :-P
Damn it's a tough choice between 1 & 3...I'd really like to say yes to an adventure book but flopping out my sausage is tempting also :P Depends how much I have to drink today to make this decision lol