IAmSinistar: If anyone ends up with a spare
Desura key for
Satazius, please consider giving it to
Thespian*. He tried to get the one I was giving away earlier but it was already gone by then. Thank you!
EDIT: Oops, damn, wrong game - I meant to ask for a
RefleX key, not Satazius. Mea culpa.
Braussie: And Thespian is a regular giver on the forums... If I owned it (which I don't) and had a spare key, I'd give it to him in a heartbeat. Thanks for letting us know!
skeletonbow: +1, yeah I 3rd that as well. If I pick it up anywhere I'll pass it to him if he hasn't already gotten it.
lugum: Reflex can also be bought with tremor coins at tremorgames btw, if anyone has some spare.
Rodzaju: And I just spent all my coins about an hour ago :(
samlii: That I can do ... and sent. (Satazius also, but if he doesn't want it ...)
I'm really touched for your kindness, mateys. :)
Thanks you very much to all of you! :)
samlii: That I can do ... and sent. (Satazius also, but if he doesn't want it ...)
IAmSinistar: That is much appreciate samlii, thank you! And as lugum says, I'm sure he'd enjoy both of them. Once again you are the hero of the gift bag! 1++
Indeed! Thank you VERY MUCH for both games, samlii! :)
(I ninja'ed the Satazius *Steam* version from Punished_Snake two weeks ago -I though he was offering the Desura one at the time-. He kindly let me to save it for one of my next GAs and gifted me Eryi's Action instead, therefore I hadn't Satazius, either. So Sinistar's confusion was providential.) ;)