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IAmSinistar: You lost half a million dollars? No wonder you have to ask for games in the gifting thread. ;)
gbaz69: No, I lost stuff appraised over half million, but military didn't want to own up to their mistake.
Cripes, that's a lot of stuff. And I can believe that the military was completely indemnified against taking responsibility. They are the do-no-wrong golden child in the US, apparently.

Braussie: Hahahah...

I'm from Minnesota, moved out to CA a little over 2 years ago. Work offered me $9k/ yr, just to get me back in office. I have another raise in 2 months, and then potentially a promotion.... woot woot :) I still won't have any money though... how's that work?!?! lol...
I quite like Wisconsin. But then I like cheese, cold weather, Frank Lloyd Wright, and my team is the Packers. So I'm somewhat of a dream immigrant for them, should I ever decide to move there. (I'm a native Virginian and not inclined to leave my beautiful state again, though.)
Post edited October 28, 2013 by IAmSinistar
VampiroAlhazred: Redeemed! xD
Thank you!! +1
skeletonbow: Congrats! How many tries did it take? I didn't want to risk problems on my Steam account repeatedly failing. :)
VampiroAlhazred: Redeemed! xD
Thank you!! +1
IAmSinistar: Woo! Respect for the blood-drinking mad Arab! I'm amazed the attempt didn't lock your account. Well done!
VampiroAlhazred: Redeemed! xD
Thank you!! +1
bowtux: Oh, that didn't take long :)
Well... I just analized Bowtux name, his avatar, his writing... and made a psychological profile to deduce what he would change from the code. Haha!

(I got it after 7 failed attempts xD)

Thanks again!
Braussie: Crap stuffed sausage snowballs for everyone :)

*Back to Ninja threading*

I'm waiting to hear back from someone on a trade offer, but if it's not accepted, I'll have a game to drop here. I got it for a trade that didn't pan out, and I'll never play it.
gbaz69: If its a gog code, I'll try it first *Nudge Nudge Wink Wink* (if I all ready don't own it :P)
Unfortunately, it's not a GOG code. Sorry!
IAmSinistar: Cripes, that's a lot of stuff. And I can believe that the military was completely indemnified against taking responsibility. They are the do-no-wrong golden child in the US, apparently.
I think we should push our congress people for a rider to seom law that gets gbaz69 his money/stuff back.

IAmSinistar: I quite like Wisconsin. But then I like cheese, cold weather, Frank Lloyd Wright, and my team is the Packers.
You had me until the last one ;) But being in Chicago is close enough for me.
IAmSinistar: I quite like Wisconsin. But then I like ..., Frank Lloyd Wright....
I put in the security system for a Frank Lloyd Wright house in the Minneapolis area. It was pretty interesting- the walls were made out of marble, and the wood of the house was primarily from one 6,000 year old tree. Interesting, but tiny and a hint awkward, to be honest. You had to go through a little tiny "alice in wonderland" door to get to the furnace and electrical panels.
samlii: You had me until the last one ;) But being in Chicago is close enough for me.
...If Idve known that I coulda given you my guest invites for a couple of launch shows - next time I'll try and remember!
Braussie: I put in the security system for a Frank Lloyd Wright house in the Minneapolis area. It was pretty interesting- the walls were made out of marble, and the wood of the house was primarily from one 6,000 year old tree. Interesting, but tiny and a hint awkward, to be honest. You had to go through a little tiny "alice in wonderland" door to get to the furnace and electrical panels.
You mean it was a UK inspired design?
Post edited October 28, 2013 by Sachys
This is the one:

It was quite the bomb shelter, lol... The rooms felt uncomfortable, to be honest, and they were tiny. Though, the new owner had done a really neat thing in one room, building a sort of "tree house fort" feel interconnecting some rooms above the walkway in. The home was pretty unique, but not something I'd pay over $5,000,000.00 for.

and a couple pics (not that great) of the inside
Post edited October 28, 2013 by Braussie
IAmSinistar: I quite like Wisconsin. But then I like cheese, cold weather, Frank Lloyd Wright, and my team is the Packers.
samlii: You had me until the last one ;) But being in Chicago is close enough for me.
I'll be in Chicago this weekend, visiting my girlfriend and hopefully taking in the SOFA art show. (Did that last year, amazing stuff.) Love that city, it and San Francisco are the two cities that most tempt me as places I'd want to live if I left my home state.

Braussie: It was quite the bomb shelter, lol... The rooms felt uncomfortable, to be honest, and they were tiny. Though, the new owner had done a really neat thing in one room, building a sort of "tree house fort" feel interconnecting some rooms above the walkway in. The home was pretty unique, but not something I'd pay over $5,000,000.00 for.
Aye, a lot of FLW work is like that. I've been to the Pope-Leighey house and it's claustrophobic in the extreme, though still an incredible design. Taliesin, which I've also seen, is more spacious, but then it's technically a farm house.
high rated
drxenija: 44Z5V-EFGGT-RPBD3
I don't know what it's for, therefore NR, but +1 anyway :)
drxenija: 44Z5V-EFGGT-RPBD3
Braussie: I don't know what it's for, therefore NR, but +1 anyway :)
Context of the topic suggest Final Exam early access.
drxenija: 44Z5V-EFGGT-RPBD3
Braussie: I don't know what it's for, therefore NR, but +1 anyway :)
It is a Final Exam Early Assess code.

oops a little bit slow................
Post edited October 28, 2013 by michaelnity
still being downrepped alot, every single day, like spinorial said like some use some scripts for that too. and gog doesnt do a single thing about it. oh well.
Post edited October 28, 2013 by lugum
lugum: still being downrepped alot, every single day, like spinorial said like some use some scripts for that too. and gog doesnt do a single thing about it. oh well.
sorry I dont know gog forums well enough, what is down/up rep? you mean down/up "rate this post"?
lugum: still being downrepped alot, every single day, like spinorial said like some use some scripts for that too. and gog doesnt do a single thing about it. oh well.
gbaz69: sorry I dont know gog forums well enough, what is down/up rep? you mean down/up "rate this post"?
Yeah, some kids with time to waste just downrep some people just for the sake of it. you can see your points below your avatar. The system gets abused.