IAmSinistar: I quite like Wisconsin. But then I like cheese, cold weather, Frank Lloyd Wright, and my team is the Packers.
samlii: You had me until the last one ;) But being in Chicago is close enough for me.
I'll be in Chicago this weekend, visiting my girlfriend and hopefully taking in the SOFA art show. (Did that last year, amazing stuff.) Love that city, it and San Francisco are the two cities that most tempt me as places I'd want to live if I left my home state.
Braussie: It was quite the bomb shelter, lol... The rooms felt uncomfortable, to be honest, and they were tiny. Though, the new owner had done a really neat thing in one room, building a sort of "tree house fort" feel interconnecting some rooms above the walkway in. The home was pretty unique, but not something I'd pay over $5,000,000.00 for.
Aye, a lot of FLW work is like that. I've been to the Pope-Leighey house and it's claustrophobic in the extreme, though still an incredible design. Taliesin, which I've also seen, is more spacious, but then it's technically a farm house.