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amok: I read what others write, but I do think other do not read what I write...

One thing is the issue "should we honor HB's wish"? I think this is clear - yes, we should when we buy it. To me this is just the honorable thing to do. I think it is indecent to go in knowingly that this wish is there, and disregard it. No arguments presented so far have swayed this way of seeing. I know I am too old fashioned placing trust in things like personal integrity and honor...

Also about selecting reading is the second issue - the elephant in the room is that GOG has called this practice "unfair", yet still here you do it? Why? Is this not disrespectful to GOG?

Bundled Steam keys is also logistically much more difficult than single keys. Single keys are more flexible and easy to deal with from HB's side.
Ian: ah amok - I have never fallen out with you about this, and I am not going to. My only gripe is you jump on other peoples giveaways EVEN when you don't know if the key was from HB or not. One of your disciples in this thread last night said he "assumed" because the game is live in the HB now, that every key came from there. Taking this stance, you judge every1 guilty, also who are you to question them ? I have a key for BP, its not from HB, but like last night in "Hi i'm new" thread u assumed, so instead of just welcoming him, you gave him a nice lecture at the same time.

You need to get real mate, get a life, a job, like Momo said a chap with such passion as yours could do wonders in the real world.

Hundreds of HB keys were given away on reddit over the last 2 days - you will not see HB say anything about this, whilst their sale is beyond 5 million quid. They don't say anything anywhere at all.

Tbh, I was going to rant and call you a few names lol, but hell come on we are adults. PLEASE, by all means if you know for certain any key is from HB, copy and paste your message - However, if you don't please do not spoil that person's generosity.

I can look back in my life, and tell you, some things I have done make me cringe. Unless you are a saint, and have never done anything wrong, you don't have the right to judge others - don't we have poloticians for that ?
Well said, never seen you annoyed before ;). Not to trample on amok because he probably means well but it's getting a bit much.
IAmSinistar: You most certainly may, my fellow Tower Dueler. :) PM'd over.
Thank you!
Hahaha, if all goes well I would enjoy a tower duel between the two of us.
IAmSinistar: You most certainly may, my fellow Tower Dueler. :) PM'd over.
QuantumLeapFrog: Thank you!
Hahaha, if all goes well I would enjoy a tower duel between the two of us.
I caught up on your duel thread last night. Freaking hilarious! :D The three of you play off each other very well.

One last key to give away from Ian's bounty:

Survivor Squad (Desura)
Post edited August 16, 2013 by IAmSinistar
high rated
Dead Space Origin Key - 9YGQ-ATCK-AXWJ-H53D-63U8
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Origin Key - 5W4U-TRHB-GCVQ-2BM8-34QH
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Origin Key - EZBB-ECK3-LJ67-ED9N-LQSH
Medal of Honor Origin Key - 3XW6-S4DU-9ANT-XXDU-EARL
Mirror's Edge Origin Key - A9FF-9V96-6837-RMVQ-AP6U
Post edited August 16, 2013 by YellowAries
YellowAries: Dead Space Origin Key - 9YGQ-ATCK-AXWJ-H53D-63U8
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Origin Key - 5W4U-TRHB-GCVQ-2BM8-34QH
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Origin Key - EZBB-ECK3-LJ67-ED9N-LQSH
Medal of Honor Origin Key - 3XW6-S4DU-9ANT-XXDU-EARL
Mirror's Edge Origin Key - A9FF-9V96-6837-RMVQ-AP6U
damn those ninjas are too fast :d

Post edited August 16, 2013 by Wolf72x
YellowAries: Dead Space Origin Key - 9YGQ-ATCK-AXWJ-H53D-63U8
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Origin Key - 5W4U-TRHB-GCVQ-2BM8-34QH
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Origin Key - EZBB-ECK3-LJ67-ED9N-LQSH
Medal of Honor Origin Key - 3XW6-S4DU-9ANT-XXDU-EARL
Mirror's Edge Origin Key - A9FF-9V96-6837-RMVQ-AP6U
NR+1 nice drop.
low rated
amok: Well done swallowing a word book, I like how you earlier accused others for "obfuscating" the issue :)
IAmSinistar: Well this makes things clearer. You're not interested in reasoned discourse, since my attempt to state my position clearly just makes you feel inadequate enough that you have to attack my vocabulary instead. Throw in the old "mirror argument" ("you're doing it too!") and we see you've backed yourself into a debate cul-de-sac.

Sorry child, you've ceased to make any valid points, or indeed defend your own argument. You don't address any of the issues people have brought up, but rather you selectively avoid them and fall back to saying what you've said all along, compounding it with empty retorts and infantile insults.

The long and the short of it is you don't like people trading keys, and you are never going to let it rest. I have no idea why this idea consumes you beyond all reason, but I will say that one day you will encounter real injustice and tragedy in your life that will make this issue assume the true importance it should.

I've given you enough chances to be an adult, and you've proven you can't, falling back instead on schoolyard tactics. I hope that you develop the perspective and maturity you need before the world confronts you with the challenges that will require them.


Back to ninja'ing, as I prefer to be someone who gives something to this community other than grief. Still have two keys courtesy of Ian to give away:

Survivor Squad (Desura)
Anomaly Warzone (Steam)
The problem is that no one addressed the points I bring up, so why should I?

You are the one kept telling me that the issues was about legalism and utilities, I say no it is about integrity, respect and personal honor. And I think a adult and reflective human being should be able to tackle this issues, without bringing legaliees into it.

And I do love the fact that you still have not addressed my issue 2 :)

Let me put it here again in case you forgot what it was -

2) GOG asks you to not do these giveaways. You say "Screw you GOG" , and make the giveaway. This is disrespectful. If you cared an iota of GoG's core ideology - you would not do this here.
Think you should just accept that the Human nature is not going to do what you think is right, you can bash everyone over the head with "the Wish" of HB but no one is going to really care about what you say, as you're starting to sound like a broken record, and you're not gonna convert anyone. As most people live by notion of "what I paid for is mine, and I can do with it whatever I want too"
low rated
Ian: ah amok - I have never fallen out with you about this, and I am not going to. My only gripe is you jump on other peoples giveaways EVEN when you don't know if the key was from HB or not. One of your disciples in this thread last night said he "assumed" because the game is live in the HB now, that every key came from there. Taking this stance, you judge every1 guilty, also who are you to question them ? I have a key for BP, its not from HB, but like last night in "Hi i'm new" thread u assumed, so instead of just welcoming him, you gave him a nice lecture at the same time.

You need to get real mate, get a life, a job, like Momo said a chap with such passion as yours could do wonders in the real world.

Hundreds of HB keys were given away on reddit over the last 2 days - you will not see HB say anything about this, whilst their sale is beyond 5 million quid. They don't say anything anywhere at all.

Tbh, I was going to rant and call you a few names lol, but hell come on we are adults. PLEASE, by all means if you know for certain any key is from HB, copy and paste your message - However, if you don't please do not spoil that person's generosity.
No worries Ian, and I do have a lot of respect for the amount of giveaways you have had the time you have been here, and in most cases else I also find myself agreeing with you more often than not :)

When it comes to knowing a key is from HB or not, I guess you are referring to the Tremor thing? They admitted that the key is from Humble (it was after all the only place to get that compound key :)) and re-distributed them. They will not do so in the future. Other than that, I think all others are places where the person doing the giveaway first say so, or I ask them before I start my preaching routine. It can be seen in all the other giveaways on this site where I do not do so. I judge very few people guilty, only when they admit it themselves.

(Granted there was one last night, and I do admit I should have asked the person first, but it was very suspicious when it was an account created the same day...)

Humble themselves will off course not do anything about it, how can they? They live on peoples goodwill, and will not do anything to rock the boat, which is another reason why I think that these giveaways are a shame. It is taking an unfair advantage. The moment they try to clamp down on this, there will be a shitstorm, so they can not do it. Instead they need to trust it's customers to be decent instead.

Ian: I can look back in my life, and tell you, some things I have done make me cringe. Unless you are a saint, and have never done anything wrong, you don't have the right to judge others - don't we have poloticians for that ?
hehe, I love how this implies that what is happening is wrong, not sure if that was your intention :)

Yes, I do a lot of wrong things. A probably do a lot of wrong things every day. Point being, I never intentionally set out to do wrong things, and when I do I apologise, try to rectify the issue, and make sure I do not do the same thing again. I think that is the adult way of dealing with it :)

I may also have issues around honor and respect which are over inflated, it has got me in trouble before :)

te_lanus: Think you should just accept that the Human nature is not going to do what you think is right, you can bash everyone over the head with "the Wish" of HB but no one is going to really care about what you say, as you're starting to sound like a broken record, and you're not gonna convert anyone. As most people live by notion of "what I paid for is mine, and I can do with it whatever I want too"
but do you need to do it here, after what gog said what they think about it? I still think that is very disrespectful... and it is not addressed.
Post edited August 16, 2013 by amok
You guys dont know any other topic except HB wishes?Okay,anyone saw anything good on TV today?
kkreo: You guys dont know any other topic except HB wishes?Okay,anyone saw anything good on TV today?
Hercule Poirot
only circus on tv for consumers
but the weather was better today only 30 Celsius
or is it 29.99 degrees C? :))
Post edited August 16, 2013 by darkplanetar
amok - lo mate, the only thing wrong happening is the times when people jump to the wrong conclusion without evidence. Should GOG wish to ask where a key came from, take action etc - let them. We are all adults. Unless u r being paid by GOG to monitor the forums, your wonderful energy could be spent better elsewhere.

As far as disrespect goes - any1 can give an opinion to another person. You cannot make them accept your position, at the end of the day, it is down to them. If you give your opinion 1000 times, you are more likely to make the other person deliberately go against your stance, AND it will give you more stress.

Have to go work, thanks for answering my post :)
Ian: Have to go work
If you see Santa while at work, ask Him if he remembers that he promised me a bazooka for last xmas but has yet to deliver it :D

Enjoy work
high rated
Here, have some Penny Arcade's On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 Steam Keys: