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Wishes never comes true if you don't live in Wonderland.

amok: Regards,
XXXXX Support"

So what do you want? do I need to bother gog support each time this occurs, or could we just assume people are adult enough to respect gog? (Boy, it looks like gog was mistaken there....)

I could bother them each time, if that is what is needed, but I really hope that we would avoid wasting gog's staff time on this.
Keep working hard , one day you will be moderator on gog forums. :)
low rated
amok: "Regards,
XXXXX Support"
Sachys: GOG support sent you kisses?! O_o7
I do not like to divulge anyones name without their knowing and consent.

(but yes, gog likes me very much :))
Post edited August 15, 2013 by amok
amok: So what do you want? do I need to bother gog support each time this occurs, or could we just assume people are adult enough to respect gog? (Boy, it looks like gog was mistaken there....)

I could bother them each time, if that is what is needed, but I really hope that we would avoid wasting gog's staff time on this.
I actually recall reading that when you posted it, but you're thinking too much in terms of bothering people. Also, I don't personally want anything, I was trying to give you some impromptu PR advice. I think you'll go farther by emphasising HB's stated wishes, and playing on people's conscience, than through ToS and official grandstanding. People don't like it and it shows in the down-repping. Which ultimately does disservice to the core message, that I don't think GOGlodytes actually disapprove of.

Food for thought.
low rated
amok: So what do you want? do I need to bother gog support each time this occurs, or could we just assume people are adult enough to respect gog? (Boy, it looks like gog was mistaken there....)

I could bother them each time, if that is what is needed, but I really hope that we would avoid wasting gog's staff time on this.
Spinorial: I actually recall reading that when you posted it, but you're thinking too much in terms of bothering people. Also, I don't personally want anything, I was trying to give you some impromptu PR advice. I think you'll go farther by emphasising HB's stated wishes, and playing on people's conscience, than through ToS and official grandstanding. People don't like it and it shows in the down-repping. Which ultimately does disservice to the core message, that I don't think GOGlodytes actually disapprove of.

Food for thought.
I have tried both ways, it is not working... Any other suggestions?

I thought my latest copy-paste was rather nice, to the point and not focusing on legalities:

"Hi there. You may not be aware that Humble keys are not supposed to be transferred. It is against Humbles wishes and ToS.

It is also a practice officially frowned upon by GoG itself.

Anyway, leaving all questions about legality aside - Humble just kindly ask you to please not do it, and GoG asks you to please respect Humbles wishes on this site."

It should be hitting all strings, especially the last paragraph. How can it be improved, do you think?
high rated
Sweet Haysus, all I wanted was to give away games I never intend on playing, not derail the thread into a discourse on Aristotelian ethics. Let me reduce this in the hopes of it going away.

I buy 5 games for $5 and keep them for myself = GOOD

I buy 5 games for $5 and delete 4 of them = GOOD

I buy 5 games for $5 and give away 4 of them = EVIL

I buy 5 bundles of games for $5 ($1 each) and give away 4 of them = GOOD

I understand now, it's all so clear. In future I will either buy far more than I need into order to satiate the lesser angels of propriety, or otherwise discard bounty that someone else could put to use, even in those cases when the end result would be exactly the same as the course I normally would have taken.

Sorry for the hyperbole, but I really believe the whole situation to be ludicrous once one penetrates to the crux of it. I want to be clear that I have no personal malice towards either KneeTheCap or amok, though I agree with kkreo that this discussion could have been carried out in a better thread, and apologise to the many ninjas for that. Indeed, I'd like them both to know that I understand where they are coming from in principle, simply that I differ in the way I calculate the "proper" course. In my ethos utilitarianism trumps legalism, and I'm not saying that is per force correct, but rather how I have chosen to live. I also know that in their own calculus there is no alternate viable course, but one clearly delineate path which is the only correct one, and I can understand why they might think that way, even if I do not. No doubt it will continue to divide us in opinion, but I'd rather it didn't divide the GOG community in the process.
amok: I have tried both ways, it is not working... Any other suggestions?
It was never going to work overnight, and getting an outspoken front against your posts is hardly helping the cause.
amok: I thought my latest copy-paste was rather nice, to the point and not focusing on legalities:

It should be hitting all strings, especially the last paragraph. How can it be improved, do you think?
I don't think the copy-paste nature is helpful, it comes through as too impersonal, and you want to reach people on a personal level. Perhaps a short message like: "Thanks for the generosity, but please consider that Humble themselves would rather you didn't split up their bundles. They run a good service and we should try to honour their wishes." Or something similar, it's your call.
low rated
amok: I have tried both ways, it is not working... Any other suggestions?
Spinorial: It was never going to work overnight, and getting an outspoken front against your posts is hardly helping the cause.
amok: I thought my latest copy-paste was rather nice, to the point and not focusing on legalities:

It should be hitting all strings, especially the last paragraph. How can it be improved, do you think?
Spinorial: I don't think the copy-paste nature is helpful, it comes through as too impersonal, and you want to reach people on a personal level. Perhaps a short message like: "Thanks for the generosity, but please consider that Humble themselves would rather you didn't split up their bundles. They run a good service and we should try to honour their wishes." Or something similar, it's your call.
hmm.. I might do so, it is neat and short. I will try a similar approach next time. Cheers.

I think it is the academic in me which always need to reference and provide some evidence for each statement :)
Post edited August 15, 2013 by amok
amok: hmm.. I might do so, it is neat and short. I will try a similar approach next time. Cheers.

I think it is the academic in me which always need to reference and provide some evidence for each statement :)
If academics were well liked, it wouldn't be lawyers and lobbyists that occupy all the upper echelons of government. And we'd all live in a better world :(
low rated
IAmSinistar: Sweet Haysus, all I wanted was to give away games I never intend on playing, not derail the thread into a discourse on Aristotelian ethics. Let me reduce this in the hopes of it going away.

I buy 5 games for $5 and keep them for myself = GOOD

I buy 5 games for $5 and delete 4 of them = GOOD

I buy 5 games for $5 and give away 4 of them = EVIL

I buy 5 bundles of games for $5 ($1 each) and give away 4 of them = GOOD

I understand now, it's all so clear. In future I will either buy far more than I need into order to satiate the lesser angels of propriety, or otherwise discard bounty that someone else could put to use, even in those cases when the end result would be exactly the same as the course I normally would have taken.

Sorry for the hyperbole, but I really believe the whole situation to be ludicrous once one penetrates to the crux of it. I want to be clear that I have no personal malice towards either KneeTheCap or amok, though I agree with kkreo that this discussion could have been carried out in a better thread, and apologise to the many ninjas for that. Indeed, I'd like them both to know that I understand where they are coming from in principle, simply that I differ in the way I calculate the "proper" course. In my ethos utilitarianism trumps legalism, and I'm not saying that is per force correct, but rather how I have chosen to live. I also know that in their own calculus there is no alternate viable course, but one clearly delineate path which is the only correct one, and I can understand why they might think that way, even if I do not. No doubt it will continue to divide us in opinion, but I'd rather it didn't divide the GOG community in the process.
When you penetrate the matter to the crux of it, and do not provide any smokescreens, there are two issues here:

1) HB kindly asks you to not break up a bundle.
2) GoG thinks breaking up a bundle is "unfair" and says "hog all keys"

That is the crux of it, and none of you address this at all. This has nothing to do about utilitarianism nor legalism

amok: hmm.. I might do so, it is neat and short. I will try a similar approach next time. Cheers.

I think it is the academic in me which always need to reference and provide some evidence for each statement :)
Spinorial: If academics were well liked, it wouldn't be lawyers and lobbyists that occupy all the upper echelons of government. And we'd all live in a better world :(
hehe, true
Post edited August 15, 2013 by amok
I don't see HB really bothering to worry too much about this as the Origin bundle is but a day old and raking in $4.5 mil...those games doubtedly would bring in that much and such a quick rate had they not been listed in this manner.
HB wants you to buy more hence the no sharing clause (gotta love stingy people/businesses) all honesty if you and I were both hungry but I was the only one who could afford to buy a cheeseburger, I would give it to you, while if the roles were reversed you would eat it in front of my face... like it or not that is what giving is, I just see no need to spend more money to give what I already have if it is to go to waste ...other than a rule that is fruitless as there are far more places than just here that have more member base. Do you also champion your cause there or just here?
my ramblings, now off to real life where shit really does matter.....
Post edited August 15, 2013 by buckstone
amok: When you penetrate the matter to the crux of it, and do not provide any smokescreens, there are two issues here:

1) HB kindly asks you to not break up a bundle.
2) GoG thinks breaking up a bundle is "unfair" and says "hog all keys"

That is the crux of it, and none of you address this at all. This has nothing to do about utilitarianism nor legalism
I confess I am not surprised by your response, but still sorry to see it thus. I am also sorry that you think my attempt at elucidation was instead obfuscation, and that I somehow seem incapable of addressing the core issue. I have done so, however at odds it is with your philosophy and your inability to entertain any course of reason that does not parallel your own. You in turn fail to address why me spending $5 on 5 bundles and giving them away is perfectly fine, but spending $5 on one bundle and giving pieces of it away is criminal. Apart, of course, from your argument of "because it says so", which is one that ceases to carry weight after about the age of 3.

If the limits of your argument, and thus your chain of reason, is predicated entirely on "it is stated this way in writing here, therefore it must be so", then there is little I can do to show you my own logic, because by your dicta it will be inescapably in error unless it dovetails entirely with your own. It is this kind of surity that makes debate with the zealot and the literalist equally fruitless.

Lastly, you yourself say that "HB asks" and "GoG thinks", neither of which are indicators of unbreakable rules, but rather take the form of requests. I am free to ignore such requests when they conflict with my ethos, without violating any actual rules. Naturally I do my best to honour reasonable requests, but I do not find the discarding of fallow resources a reasonable request. So your problem with me, and those like me, is reduced to that of either a public scold or a bitter defender, angry because others merely do not make the same choices you do.

I sincerely hope you take the time to read my words and understand them this time, rather than look for some fragment of mis-context that you can then use to simply rehash your same argument against. Because I will not engage you again like this otherwise, for reasoned discourse requires parties to be engaged in good faith on both sides.
and here was me thinking GOG was a fun place to be ffs
Ian: and here was me thinking GOG was a fun place to be ffs
Yeah. I was quite bummed by the discussion. Heyo Ian!!!

Last night, we went snake hunting in the house. Nasty snake seemed to have snuck in!
Ian: and here was me thinking GOG was a fun place to be ffs
niniendowarrior: Yeah. I was quite bummed by the discussion. Heyo Ian!!!

Last night, we went snake hunting in the house. Nasty snake seemed to have snuck in!
u ok i hope ? did u get it ?
Ian: and here was me thinking GOG was a fun place to be ffs
Mea culpa mate, not how I wanted my intended largesse to pay out either. Wish I had something to ninja away to make up for it.