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Psyringe: Your showing quite clearly how convinced you are that your opinion is the only correct one:

macuahuitlgog: Something is wrong with this person. I'm going to attack them now in posts or tell them how wrong they are.
Psyringe: Honestly, you are creating your own problems. It's almost tragic imho. There's a bunch of people having good fun in this thread, and for some reason you're the odd one out who prefers seeing insults instead. I wouldn't feel comfortable in such a situation, but you seem to be actively choosing it.

It's a bit ironic though that, while typing your response, you missed a game that I gave away in a single link, totally unencrypted, exactly in the way you would have preferred it. It went to someone who didn't spend so much time trying to justify his opinion that others are unfriendly towards him.

Anyway, I'm not stopping you from creating your own misery.
Ok, now what you are doing is just unfair so I have to respond. The "Something is wrong with this person. I'm going to attack them now" was what I think was running through your head.
macuahuitlgog: Ok, now what you are doing is just unfair so I have to respond. The "Something is wrong with this person. I'm going to attack them now" was what I think was running through your head.
He's being blunt and to the point. Don't like it? Don't reply to it and move on with life.

To be fair, though, a bit of the "insults"(If you can call them that) being flung your way are your fault for getting so unneededly up-in-arms over people giving you advice(Vague and/or generic as might have been.) from the start, instead of just asking them to elaborate on their "advice" in a civil manner. You got upset and started flinging rude replies of your own, and you expected not to get any back?
Boy, oh boy, oh boy.
macuahuitlgog: I don't think I misunderstood any of the posts. If I did though, is it my fault or yours? Think about that instead of automatically blaming someone. Maybe you and lugum weren't being clear enough? I truly believe I did not start anything despite you and others pointing your fingers at me. I was merely pointing out the truth. How lugum's friendly advice wasn't friendly advice etc. Then things got hostile, because I see things differently from you and lugum. That is how it always starts here unfortunately, people disagree, then certain individuals throw more fuel into the fire. All the insults I saw were not in my imagination. They were written in English, in a forum, in a post. Even if the author, did not intend on insulting me, they are what they are, insults. Very very anti social way of thinking you have inside your head to think, this person is not normal because I offended him or her. Something is wrong with this person. I'm going to attack them now in posts or tell them how wrong they are. You are not accepting that people are different. No, you are not.
GameRager: Oh grow the f**k up already and stop throwing a hissy fit. You got advice you didn't like(No one really insulted you from the start, and if they did it was unintentionally done after you started acting like a baby to the replies you got ITT.), so you cried about it & people got upset(understandably) as a result. Now either man up and admit your mistake and apologize or leave it be.
How about you grow the fuck up, asshole. Oh so because I didn't say, thank you all for the nice replies, even though I didn't like the replies, I'm being a baby? It is no surprise to me that you are an asshole, considering how loved you are here at the GOG forums. <- sarcasm. I remember clearly, the days, months or was it longer when you had a reputation below zero so I'm sure you were being an asshole back then too. So why don't you fucking apologize or leave?
Post edited June 07, 2012 by macuahuitlgog
mrtophat101: Boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Don't eat that popcorn, MJ....someone peed in it. 0.o
mrtophat101: Boy, oh boy, oh boy.
GameRager: Don't eat that popcorn, MJ....someone peed in it. 0.o
It's MJ, he's weird, he probably likes it. :P
macuahuitlgog: Isnip snip with useless banter
okay who let that dog out?
macuahuitlgog: Ok, now what you are doing is just unfair so I have to respond. The "Something is wrong with this person. I'm going to attack them now" was what I think was running through your head.
GameRager: He's being blunt and to the point. Don't like it? Don't reply to it and move on with life.

To be fair, though, a bit of the "insults"(If you can call them that) being flung your way are your fault for getting so unneededly up-in-arms over people giving you advice(Vague and/or generic as might have been.) from the start, instead of just asking them to elaborate on their "advice" in a civil manner. You got upset and started flinging rude replies of your own, and you expected not to get any back?
I didn't get upset until a few people got rude with me because I didn't like their advice. Oh don't like my advice? You evil evil person, you!
Post edited June 07, 2012 by macuahuitlgog
GameRager: Don't eat that popcorn, MJ....someone peed in it. 0.o
mrtophat101: It's MJ, he's weird, he probably likes it. :P
just as you always had a thing for young boys didnt you :p
macuahuitlgog: Isnip snip with useless banter
lugum: okay who let that dog out?
I think it was smart ass comments like this that started getting me upset.
lugum: okay who let that dog out?
macuahuitlgog: I think it was smart ass comments like this that started getting me upset.
in which we learned by now you are easily upset.
macuahuitlgog: I think it was smart ass comments like this that started getting me upset.
lugum: in which we learned by now you are easily upset.
Yes, rude behavior easily upsets me. Is that a crime?
mrtophat101: It's MJ, he's weird, he probably likes it. :P
lugum: just as you always had a thing for young boys didnt you :p
No comment.
macuahuitlgog: Ok, now what you are doing is just unfair so I have to respond. The "Something is wrong with this person. I'm going to attack them now" was what I think was running through your head.
See ... if you look at your post again, you might notice that there isn't any indication at all where your description of my alleged "thinking" ends, and where your own thoughts start again. But you're (again) choosing to see me as attacking you, as being "unfair". It doesn't matter much though, since your willingness to interpret attacks into others' statements is exactly a part of the problem.

Your reply actually demonstrates the things I described earlier. You're creating your own problems, sadly.

Anyway. Contrary to what you think, I was never out to attack you. I was never angry at you. Actually, my response to your posts was first surprise, then curiosity and compassion, and in the end, pity. You will probably feel offended by this. It's my honest reaction though, because as I said, you're creating your own misery in a thread where everyone else is having fun.
lugum: in which we learned by now you are easily upset.
macuahuitlgog: Yes, rude behavior easily upsets me. Is that a crime?
question out of curiosity. did you ever had a job where you had to work with i dunno.. people?

easily upset and easily offended.
lugum: just as you always had a thing for young boys didnt you :p
mrtophat101: No comment.
oh come on we have the pictures to prove it, you dirty old doc.
Post edited June 07, 2012 by lugum