Posted June 08, 2012

Theodore Bonkers
Registered: Mar 2011
From Netherlands

Registered: Sep 2011
From Germany

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia

still sober
Registered: Dec 2011
From Brazil

Weekend Warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Poland
Posted June 08, 2012
Congratulations lugum, I hope you receive an e-mail soon :)

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany
Posted June 08, 2012
Hi everyone, just wanted to spread a story:
Everytime I think it can't get worse,
3 little pigs come my way. all I can think of is: "Damn, they must be sent to the
Zoo and must stay in a
Quarantine for at least 8 years!".
Kirk was the name of the first little piggy and he was wearing a
Red scarf. He was one of the dumbest Pigs I have ever seen.
Must he really have
8 fingers?
Wilbur was Pig number
2. He was as dumb as Kirk and he played a
Guitar. He played it really well, but still he is a pig.
Henry was the third in the line.
Past 8 years, I have not seen the pigs anymore and I decided to look to the Zoo, if they are there.
7 stupid looking pigs were there and 3 of them were Kirk, Wilbur and Henry.
Securing myself, I got my rifle and shot all of them
6 times, to never see them again.
I hope this little story amazed you :)
Everytime I think it can't get worse,
3 little pigs come my way. all I can think of is: "Damn, they must be sent to the
Zoo and must stay in a
Quarantine for at least 8 years!".
Kirk was the name of the first little piggy and he was wearing a
Red scarf. He was one of the dumbest Pigs I have ever seen.
Must he really have
8 fingers?
Wilbur was Pig number
2. He was as dumb as Kirk and he played a
Guitar. He played it really well, but still he is a pig.
Henry was the third in the line.
Past 8 years, I have not seen the pigs anymore and I decided to look to the Zoo, if they are there.
7 stupid looking pigs were there and 3 of them were Kirk, Wilbur and Henry.
Securing myself, I got my rifle and shot all of them
6 times, to never see them again.
I hope this little story amazed you :)

Registered: Sep 2008
From Spain
Posted June 08, 2012
@lugum: I've tried the code after you did, and it says: This redeem code has already been used, an email has been resent to the registered address!
So I guess either you receive a mail in a while, or the system has detected that you already had the Bundle and won't gift you the games again. In that case, the code seems to be lost for everyone. :-/
So I guess either you receive a mail in a while, or the system has detected that you already had the Bundle and won't gift you the games again. In that case, the code seems to be lost for everyone. :-/

Registered: Jun 2012
From Poland

1.21 Gigawatts!
Registered: Dec 2011
From Netherlands
Posted June 08, 2012

Everytime I think it can't get worse,
3 little pigs come my way. all I can think of is: "Damn, they must be sent to the
Zoo and must stay in a
Quarantine for at least 8 years!".
Kirk was the name of the first little piggy and he was wearing a
Red scarf. He was one of the dumbest Pigs I have ever seen.
Must he really have
8 fingers?
Wilbur was Pig number
2. He was as dumb as Kirk and he played a
Guitar. He played it really well, but still he is a pig.
Henry was the third in the line.
Past 8 years, I have not seen the pigs anymore and I decided to look to the Zoo, if they are there.
7 stupid looking pigs were there and 3 of them were Kirk, Wilbur and Henry.
Securing myself, I got my rifle and shot all of them
6 times, to never see them again.
I hope this little story amazed you :)
What was it?

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia
Posted June 08, 2012
One more steam gift coming in 5-10 minutes, start F5-ing if you want it. Nothing too much, but hey, it's free :P

Theodore Bonkers
Registered: Mar 2011
From Netherlands
Posted June 08, 2012

So I guess either you receive a mail in a while, or the system has detected that you already had the Bundle and won't gift you the games again. In that case, the code seems to be lost for everyone. :-/
i am sure they can track it back to my email and see there are 2 codes attached to my email.
another thing what also could have happened still i got ninjaed and someone else took it.
and that it said succesfully redeemed because i already had the bundle

Registered: Sep 2011
From Germany
Posted June 08, 2012

it's all psyringe's fault. he said the code was invalid.
I honestly thought the code didn't work for this bundle. Apparently I tried accessing the code without actually redeeming it first, so it didn't work. Apologies. :(

still sober
Registered: Dec 2011
From Brazil