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Reply to this post and I'll PM you a Steam key for Alien Shooter, Alien Shooter 2 Reloaded, or Zombie Shooter (only choose one game).
QC: Sure.
Ian: ya got ninja'd sorry - u want "Alien Hallway" ?

sorry buckstone, i don't :(
Never heard of it but alright.
spoderman: Reply to this post and I'll PM you a Steam key for Alien Shooter, Alien Shooter 2 Reloaded, or Zombie Shooter (only choose one game).
Post edited May 26, 2013 by QC
spoderman: Reply to this post and I'll PM you a Steam key for Alien Shooter, Alien Shooter 2 Reloaded, or Zombie Shooter (only choose one game).
Alien Shooter?
spoderman: Reply to this post and I'll PM you a Steam key for Alien Shooter, Alien Shooter 2 Reloaded, or Zombie Shooter (only choose one game).
Does whatever a Spoder can!
Can he gift?
Yes he can!
He's a like a Spoder with keys to cram!

Novotnus: (used Fallout 3 Numbers Station creepypasta, Steam code and the name of the game hidden inside - it's NOT Fallout 3!)

Fallout 3 contains several in-game radio stations. The most diverse and important station is Galaxy New Radio. Many players of the evil persuasion know that you can kill Three Dog and he will be replaced by the technician Margaret. She is not a charismatic person and has very little it say, seeming to not enjoy her new announcing duties. She also never appears in person, and therefore cannot be killed. Once Three Dog is dead, you're stuck with Margaret.

What most players do NOT know is that under certain circumstances, GNR will become a "numbers station." A numbers station is a station that broadcasts an unusual coded message. Many of these exist in real life and some hypothesize that they are a nuclear retaliation control network. Simply check Wikipedia for more information about these odd broadcasts as they relate to the real world. Back to Fallout 3...

No one is really sure which actions are needed to hear the numbers station in Fallout 3. It appears that you must kill Three Dog, because no one has reported hearing the numbers station with him still alive. It also appears that you have to skip over the quest "Galaxy News Radio" where you help boost the signal so that the station can be broadcast further than just the immediate DC area. This is easy enough to do with either a speech check or simply using the FalloutWiki to look up where to go next and advance the main plot. Finally, you definitely have to destroy Raven Rock. The is the actual trigger to turn GNR into a numbers station and it will remain such for the rest of the game. However, the vast majority of the players who perform these three actions still continue hearing the standard GNR broadcasts, so there must be several more requirements the community has yet to isolate.

If you're lucky enough to have hit upon the right set of circumstances, just after destroying Raven Rock, you will get the message, "Radio signal lost" and a few seconds later, "Radio signal found." You cannot, however, actually listen to GNR just yet because you didn't boost the signal, and are out of range of the broadcast at the exit of Raven Rock. Luckily, Raven Rock is situated in the mountains and is right near one of the few places outside DC that you can get high enough to catch the signal. So far, the confirmed location to hear the GNR numbers signal are:

1. Within the immediate DC area obviously...this is true for the regular GNR throughout the game. 2. At the top of the ferris wheel on that backwater redneck island. I can't remember its name just now. 3. On the tops of some of the satcom arrays you can climb in the northwestern map area. 4. On the roof of Tenpenny Tower, though this may be within normal broadcast range anyway. Feel free to playtest and get back to me on this. 5. On the highest point of the broken bridge around Arefu...again, may be within braodcast range anyway. 6. On some of the highest points of the mountain tops in the area near Raven Rock. This is obviously your easiest chance to first listen to the numbers station.

When you tune in, you will hear an old familiar voice...Three Dog, despite the fact that you killed him earlier. However, you will quickly notice that he does not seem to be "in character." So I guess it's not technically Three Dog, but just the voice actor, Erik Dellums. He reads a series of numbers in a monotone, depressed sounding voice. For example, "2cc0." These numbers are followed by widely varying lengths of Morse code. This is then followed by the song "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire." All other music tracks seem to be inactive on the numbers station.

The Morse code was the easiest part of the mystery to crack, as the code is widely available and many people actually know it by heart. We quickly had a list of a great number of messages in English. Some sounded completely mundane and even comical, such as "Washed the car today, maybe Chinese for dinner." or "Have you watched my YouTube video yet, I uploaded myself kicking bums in the nuts."

You may be saying, "But wait, YouTube doesn't exist in the Fallout universe," and you are right. As far as we could tell, all of the messages sounded like they were based in our reality somewhere near present day.

Some of the messages, however, are quite sinister, such as, "The Queen has died today. The world mourns, as on days like these, 23f8 we are all Brits." or "I can't believe they're actually done it. Not long left. The noise. I can't take the noise anymore. I have a pistol in the ace0."

Just recently, a player on the wikiforums noticed a message that brought to light the meaning of the messages. He was reading a thread that collected all known messages, transposed from Morse to English, and saw the line, "0c66. What are you talikn' about? You'll be missed." He realized this referred to the recent death of Gary Coleman, and the quickly realized the numbers were the time and date of death. He immediately scanned through the messages to try and find more examples of this apparent future telling by a game that's more than a year old. The next message he read shocked him and pushed him to enlist the aid of the others to decipher the codes. The message was "c726. Accident in the gulf, several dead. Oil spill apparently averted." He realized this was the BP explosion and the erroneous day-one assessment that the well was not leaking.

From this point on, all numbers will be transcribed as times and dates. All times were given in game in military format and remain so in this document.

Numerous members of the FalloutWiki message board began looking over the messages to see what else we could learn. We quickly found that most of the dates were after the game had been released, yet oddly some were from the past. "22:15 April 15, 1865 He's dead and blame will probably be placed on that actor, Booth. Johnson better not cheat me out of the payment." This shed new doubt on the official version of the Lincoln assassination.

As the community quickly started piling up interpretations of the messages, the mods of the site summarily banned everyone who had posted in, or even read the thread. All reference to the numbers station was removed from FalloutWiki and filtering software was put in place to prevent reposting of any relevant information. A few people, however, are trading emails and slowly finishing the translation of the remaining messages and putting dates to the existing ones.

"The Queen has died today. The world mourns, as on days like these, we are all Brits." 4:02 March 19, 2014

"Have you watched my YouTube video yet, I uploaded myself playing Tales of Valor." 24:16 December 24, 2012

"I can't believe Britney's actually won an Oscar!" 21:33 Fruary 27, 2023

"I can't believe they've actually done it. Not long left. They were warned, but they just had to keep pushing the boundaries of science. The noise. I can't take the noise anymore. And the light, dear God! The Universe is slowly unravelling around us. I'm not going to wait for death. I have a pistol in the attic." This is actually the only message not preceded by a strig of numbers.

It may be worth noting that the latest date on any of the messages is 1:27 July 6, 2027.
Thanks for the story, excellent, at some point I was kinda scared hehe, unfortunately the code was taken and no one has given thanks, atleast not in the thread. +1
+1 to giveaways, Ian! :D Always generous even after buying houses!
spoderman: Reply to this post and I'll PM you a Steam key for Alien Shooter, Alien Shooter 2 Reloaded, or Zombie Shooter (only choose one game).
Sachys: Spoderman!
Does whatever a Spoder can!
Can he gift?
Yes he can!
He's a like a Spoder with keys to cram!

If you want something really.... surprising, looking "Scientifically Accurate Spider Man"
Sent both keys. Zombie Shooter is still available.
okies gnite peeps, tc

BTW, anyone NOT got Alan Wake ?
(once again - it's creepy so those who don't like this kind of stories, please skip it; used Creepypasta is called The Shift and the code is for Dawn of War 2 on Steam. This one might be a little harder. Code format: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx. Happy hunting and good luck, especially for loud ninjas!)

It started on August 20, 1990. Police were raiding a small warehouse in NY City under the suspicion of drug-trafficking centered upon that building. No evidence was found in the warehouse except for a floppy disk labeled "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT." Officer Charles F. was assigned with the task of reviewing the contents of the floppy disk. Four days later, he and the floppy disk disappeared. Charles is never seen again. The investigation is closed due to there being no more sufficient evidence after the loss of the floppy disk.

On February 28, 1994, Harriet G. of Alabama receives a letter with no return address or stamp. It contains another floppy disk, this one labeled "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF," and a loose-leaf sheet of paper with "2IEHR. YOU KNOW THE RULES" written on it. Harriet inserts the floppy disk onto her computer the same day. Reports from her friends and family indicate that she acted very paranoid and irritable and repeatedly murmured about something called "The Shift" until March 12, 1994 when she hung herself. Both of the lost "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT" and "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF" disks were found on her corpse. Police confiscated both, and several days later they were stolen. No culprit for the theft was ever found.

From February 4, 1998 to February 8, 1998, Lawrence G. of Illinois receives numerous phone calls from several numbers with unregistered area codes asking to meet "us" at [location omitted]. Lawrence finally complies, but finds no one else there, only a small black briefcase with the number "4444" printed on it. When he returns home he finds the briefcase contains a note saying, "8QWZE. THE SHIFT IS COMING DOWN" and yet another floppy disk labeled "SHIFT 4." Lawrence went into a coma four days after uploading the disk to his computer and was pronounced dead as of July 4, 2002. The "SHIFT 4" disk has since disappeared, but "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT" and "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF" are rumored to still be around. In spite of this, no one has ever claimed to know the contents of any of the 3 floppy disks.

This is all of what I've uncovered in my ceaseless research of the little known paranormal phenomenon called "The Shift." My interest was piqued when a friend of mine was repeatedly receiving calls from a number that had an unregistered area code. According to him, each call would begin with an upbeat dail-tone jingle and then what sounded like a female operator would say a string of numbers and then the phrase, "We have prepared the way for you."

Interested, I started to search up on strange phone calls like these. I came across The Shift, which was basically pieced together over a scattered series of obscure websites and blogs containing small bits of info about it. I collected enough information over several days to formulate the snippets above. This unnerved me slightly, but nevertheless he and I had thought it was a prank until he received the last call from that unregistered number on March 25, 2010, which began with the normal dial-tone jingle and then the numbers, and finally the voice said at such a high volume that even I could hear it from the other room "8QWZE. THE SHIFT IS COMING DOWN." Right after she hung up, his doorbell rang. When we opened the door, there was no one there. Only a small, black briefcase with "55555" printed on it. It contained a note saying, "RETURN WHERE WE BEGAN" and a disc labeled "SHIFT 5."

Having knowledge of the fates of the previous owners of these discs concerning The Shift, I warned him not to put it on his computer, but despite my earnest begging he refused to listen. Thus, I refused to be in the same room as him while he viewed the contents of the disc. 5 minutes later he walks out of the room, eyes widened and skin as white as a ghost, and falls to the floor, having a massive seizure. He was admitted to the hospital, and just died today.

I managed to get my hands on the disc. I have reviewed it just minutes ago and have suffered no life-threatening effects. Though I'd rather not post the images it contained. They were very, very mindfuck worthy. I can't really describe them, but if I posted them I can guarantee it would not sit well with many, many people. Anyways, that's my story, and I hope some other people might know something about The Shift so maybe you guys can help me figure this thing ou5555555555555555555555555 8QWZE. THE SHIFT IS COMING DOWN5555555555555555555555555MS389


It started on August 20, 1990. Police were raiding a small warehouse in NY City under the suspicion of drug-trafficking centered upon that building. No evidence was found in the warehouse except for a floppy disk labeled "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT." Officer Charles F. was assigned with the task of reviewing the contents of the floppy disk. Four days later, he and the floppy disk disappeared. Charles is never seen again. The investigation is closed due to there being no more sufficient evidence after the loss of the floppy disk.

On February 28, 1994, Harriet G. of Alabama receives a letter with no return address or stamp. It contains another floppy disk, this one labeled "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF," and a loose-leaf sheet of paper with "2IEHR. YOU KNOW THE RULES" written on it. Harriet inserts the floppy disk onto her computer the same day. Reports from her friends and family indicate that she acted very paranoid and irritable and repeatedly murmured about something called "The Shift" until March 12, 1994 when she hanged herself. Both the lost "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT" and "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF" disks were found on her corpse. Police confiscated both, and several days later they were stolen. No culprit for the theft was ever found.

From February 4, 1998 to February 8, 1998, Lawrence G. of Illinois receives numerous phone calls from several numbers with unregistered area codes asking to meet "us" at [location omitted]. Lawrence finally complies, but finds no one else there, only a small black briefcase with the number "4444" printed on it. When he returns home he finds the briefcase contains a note saying, "8QWZE. THE SHIFT IS COMING DOWN" and yet another floppy disk labeled "SHIFT 4." Lawrence went into a coma four days after uploading the disk to his computer and was prnounced dead as of July 4, 2002. The "SHIFT 4" disk has since disappeared, but "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT" and "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF" are rumored to still be around. In spite of this, no one has ever claimed to know the contents of any of the 3 floppy disks.

It is my conclusion that The Shift is merely a myth. Please ignore this thread and move along.
Post edited May 26, 2013 by Novotnus
Novotnus: (once again - it's creepy so those who don't like this kind of stories, please skip it; used Creepypasta is called The Shift and the code is for Dawn of War 2 on Steam. This one might be a little harder. Code format: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx. Happy hunting!)

It started on August 20, 1990. Police were raiding a small warehouse in NY City under the suspicion of drug-trafficking centered upon that building. No evidence was found in the warehouse except for a floppy disk labeled "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT." Officer Charles F. was assigned with the task of reviewing the contents of the floppy disk. Four days later, he and the floppy disk disappeared. Charles is never seen again. The investigation is closed due to there being no more sufficient evidence after the loss of the floppy disk.

On February 28, 1994, Harriet G. of Alabama receives a letter with no return address or stamp. It contains another floppy disk, this one labeled "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF," and a loose-leaf sheet of paper with "2IEHR. YOU KNOW THE RULES" written on it. Harriet inserts the floppy disk onto her computer the same day. Reports from her friends and family indicate that she acted very paranoid and irritable and repeatedly murmured about something called "The Shift" until March 12, 1994 when she hung herself. Both of the lost "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT" and "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF" disks were found on her corpse. Police confiscated both, and several days later they were stolen. No culprit for the theft was ever found.

From February 4, 1998 to February 8, 1998, Lawrence G. of Illinois receives numerous phone calls from several numbers with unregistered area codes asking to meet "us" at [location omitted]. Lawrence finally complies, but finds no one else there, only a small black briefcase with the number "4444" printed on it. When he returns home he finds the briefcase contains a note saying, "8QWZE. THE SHIFT IS COMING DOWN" and yet another floppy disk labeled "SHIFT 4." Lawrence went into a coma four days after uploading the disk to his computer and was pronounced dead as of July 4, 2002. The "SHIFT 4" disk has since disappeared, but "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT" and "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF" are rumored to still be around. In spite of this, no one has ever claimed to know the contents of any of the 3 floppy disks.

This is all of what I've uncovered in my ceaseless research of the little known paranormal phenomenon called "The Shift." My interest was piqued when a friend of mine was repeatedly receiving calls from a number that had an unregistered area code. According to him, each call would begin with an upbeat dail-tone jingle and then what sounded like a female operator would say a string of numbers and then the phrase, "We have prepared the way for you."

Interested, I started to search up on strange phone calls like these. I came across The Shift, which was basically pieced together over a scattered series of obscure websites and blogs containing small bits of info about it. I collected enough information over several days to formulate the snippets above. This unnerved me slightly, but nevertheless he and I had thought it was a prank until he received the last call from that unregistered number on March 25, 2010, which began with the normal dial-tone jingle and then the numbers, and finally the voice said at such a high volume that even I could hear it from the other room "8QWZE. THE SHIFT IS COMING DOWN." Right after she hung up, his doorbell rang. When we opened the door, there was no one there. Only a small, black briefcase with "55555" printed on it. It contained a note saying, "RETURN WHERE WE BEGAN" and a disc labeled "SHIFT 5."

Having knowledge of the fates of the previous owners of these discs concerning The Shift, I warned him not to put it on his computer, but despite my earnest begging he refused to listen. Thus, I refused to be in the same room as him while he viewed the contents of the disc. 5 minutes later he walks out of the room, eyes widened and skin as white as a ghost, and falls to the floor, having a massive seizure. He was admitted to the hospital, and just died today.

I managed to get my hands on the disc. I have reviewed it just minutes ago and have suffered no life-threatening effects. Though I'd rather not post the images it contained. They were very, very mindfuck worthy. I can't really describe them, but if I posted them I can guarantee it would not sit well with many, many people. Anyways, that's my story, and I hope some other people might know something about The Shift so maybe you guys can help me figure this thing ou5555555555555555555555555 8QWZE. THE SHIFT IS COMING DOWN5555555555555555555555555MS389


It started on August 20, 1990. Police were raiding a small warehouse in NY City under the suspicion of drug-trafficking centered upon that building. No evidence was found in the warehouse except for a floppy disk labeled "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT." Officer Charles F. was assigned with the task of reviewing the contents of the floppy disk. Four days later, he and the floppy disk disappeared. Charles is never seen again. The investigation is closed due to there being no more sufficient evidence after the loss of the floppy disk.

On February 28, 1994, Harriet G. of Alabama receives a letter with no return address or stamp. It contains another floppy disk, this one labeled "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF," and a loose-leaf sheet of paper with "2IEHR. YOU KNOW THE RULES" written on it. Harriet inserts the floppy disk onto her computer the same day. Reports from her friends and family indicate that she acted very paranoid and irritable and repeatedly murmured about something called "The Shift" until March 12, 1994 when she hanged herself. Both the lost "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT" and "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF" disks were found on her corpse. Police confiscated both, and several days later they were stolen. No culprit for the theft was ever found.

From February 4, 1998 to February 8, 1998, Lawrence G. of Illinois receives numerous phone calls from several numbers with unregistered area codes asking to meet "us" at [location omitted]. Lawrence finally complies, but finds no one else there, only a small black briefcase with the number "4444" printed on it. When he returns home he finds the briefcase contains a note saying, "8QWZE. THE SHIFT IS COMING DOWN" and yet another floppy disk labeled "SHIFT 4." Lawrence went into a coma four days after uploading the disk to his computer and was prnounced dead as of July 4, 2002. The "SHIFT 4" disk has since disappeared, but "3I52E. WE CANNOT STOP IT" and "WRMMC. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF" are rumored to still be around. In spite of this, no one has ever claimed to know the contents of any of the 3 floppy disks.

It is my conclusion that The Shift is merely a myth. Please ignore this thread and move along.
NR but thanks!+1
Ian: okies gnite peeps, tc

BTW, anyone NOT got Alan Wake ?
I don't have it.
Ian: okies gnite peeps, tc

BTW, anyone NOT got Alan Wake ?
QC: I don't have it.
do u want the bundle ?
QC: I don't have it.
Ian: do u want the bundle ?
There's a bundle?