Just got a PM from buckstone so they get to give it a shot. Fingers crossed!
dirtyharry50: Would anyone be interested in a Steam key for the adventure game Siberia I, the first one? I have a key but I am not sure whether I claimed it before. I do not think I did. I'm pretty sure I already had the game when I got it in a Groupees bundle some time ago. I was fishing for some keys for my nephew and didn't think this game was appropriate for him (he is young) so of course, I thought of my friends on GOG.
Anyway, if you want to play this game and don't mind giving the key a shot, hopefully it will work. First one to ask for it gets to try.
Spinorial: Yes plsease!
Oh well, you still get thanks and +1 :-)
Except I don't think I was ever too young for a game like Syberia. Rubber chickens with pulleys were my youth :P
Oh, I always feel bad for anyone else who misses out on a ninja. He did PM me before you'd posted and I was writing what I did before your post landed and then posted it. Hope you have good luck with another one today.
For my nephew, he should be pretty happy with Red Orchestra and the two excellent mods for it. The community for the game is still active and it has bots too. Then I gave him Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War strategy game and lastly I gave him the excellent Titan's Quest action RPG. He is new to Steam and was thrilled to add three cool new games to his just starting off library of stuff to play. Little does he know but Uncle Dirty Harry has more cool games for him but I am saving them for a little later. We'll let him have some fun with these ones for now. I wouldn't want to spoil him. He's a good boy. :D