JohnWalrus: Seriously, though, I appreciate it. Wouldn't know about half these giveaways without it XD
Spinorial: Note of caution: I just might "overlook" the ones I feel more invested in ;)
Bad bad bumping ninja! >:( :P
Crsldmc: Thanks for your kindness! +1 I was late but that doesn't matter :P what you ninjas are up to?
Sachys: I can tell you it's a secret and it doesn't involve nipple clamps tonight! O_o
I laughed at this so much, thanks Sachys :)
Sachys: YUP!
check yer PM before ya go
you want a -CLOSED- whacked on at a time on friday too?
Ian: Thank you mate :D - if i am not online can u please CLOSE it at 9pm ish - I will setup the following weeks as soon as i can :D
Take your time! congrats on the new place! is it a new one right? hehe :P