dracomage1996: The SCP stories are awesome as well, as they range from F***ing scary, to heartbreaking, to heartwarming, to extremely hilarious.
The best is one about a giant killer robot who could kill anybody with no problem, except who could if it wasn't for his shitty programming. He lost a fight to a potted plant.
GameRager: Ever go to the SCP website? I love reading the stories there as they often have footnote/additions/etc on other pages. Good times.
The holders website is awesome as well. I'm actually thinking of making a low budget web series about a person who has control of several creepy pasta characters, known simply as the legend, who rages war on the holders, in hopes of stopping the end of the world. So far, his troops are slenderman, jeff the killer, the rake, jane the killer, the rake, and an scp agent, along with some scps as well. also ben, who I am making something like a god, who has to be trained, as he is still a little kid.