DarkoD13: Maybe it fluctuates? Seriously, I've seen my rep increase twice in a day a few times, while other days it just won't budge.
niniendowarrior: It would go up if people up repped you, I think.
Hey, sounds like this needs testing! I've been registered for a good while now but have never posted on the forums before (I pretty much missed this general section until recently) so presumably should have zero rep. (Edit, looks like it starts on 1; suspect you knew that :). Seems a really nice forum too; hello everyone :)
I'd been wondering how the rep worked the last few days and I've a related, newbie question: when you +1 someone, is that done by rating their post, or is it something else?
And I feel I should present an offering to the forums, given the thread I'm posting in:
(Redeemed by rodrolliv)
Good for one whole unit of Blood...mwahaha :)