Posted March 16, 2013

But they both continue to trip over their feet despite many peeps trying to kindly tell them why they keep falling down. And because they both refuse to listen, a lot of "classier" peeps (if I might even call myself that) are getting fed up.
Kudos and plus one to you for championing these underdogs - they may indeed have gotten off to a bad start but despite being contrite again and again in many different threads, they both still continue to act in the exact same ways that got them into neg rep in the first place. That is all I'm sayin...
How do you feel on this? Do you honestly feel they deserve the treatment some are giving them(those downrating everything they say because they continue to post in here and/or take games)?
Imo those downrating everything those two post in here BECAUSE they post in here/continue to take games should look at themselves in the mirror before casting stones.
Maybe they truly feel that what they're doing isn't deserving of the treatment they get in return(and maybe they might be right to some small degree)? Jut some food for thought.

I don't do this, I only down repped draco here. I'll not pursue him in the forum to downrep every post :p
But I agree with others that they should wait some time before posting here again.
I disagree somewhat.....imo they shouldn't have to "toe the line" and not post in a particular thread just because some people might think they shouldn't because they might not like/trust them.

i think the main issue here is people are rubbing people up the wrong way, then asking how can i make amends then given friendly advice for said amends and then ignore that advice.
have i understood the general theme?
Imo some of the advice given to Seanobi/Draco has been sound, but I think work needs to be done on both ends of the "problem"......i.e. I believe that those who dislike/mistrust some newcomers(and are rude to same) should try to be better "role models" by treating such newcomers with a bit more civility & kindness. Reading some of the rude comments made in other threads towards Draco/Seanobi makes me wonder how such GOGgers can even consider themselves as nice/classy when they act in such a manner.
Post edited March 16, 2013 by GameRager