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Momo1991: I get what you're saying and I haven't down-rated their posts - in fact made a point to up-rep dracomage when he was throwing some codes out there.
But they both continue to trip over their feet despite many peeps trying to kindly tell them why they keep falling down. And because they both refuse to listen, a lot of "classier" peeps (if I might even call myself that) are getting fed up.
Kudos and plus one to you for championing these underdogs - they may indeed have gotten off to a bad start but despite being contrite again and again in many different threads, they both still continue to act in the exact same ways that got them into neg rep in the first place. That is all I'm sayin...
At least you're taking this more civilly than others here.
How do you feel on this? Do you honestly feel they deserve the treatment some are giving them(those downrating everything they say because they continue to post in here and/or take games)?

Imo those downrating everything those two post in here BECAUSE they post in here/continue to take games should look at themselves in the mirror before casting stones.
Maybe they truly feel that what they're doing isn't deserving of the treatment they get in return(and maybe they might be right to some small degree)? Jut some food for thought.
Drelmanes: :)
I don't do this, I only down repped draco here. I'll not pursue him in the forum to downrep every post :p
But I agree with others that they should wait some time before posting here again.
I meant that I admired that you admitted to downrating him and explained why.....not many seem to be willing to do that. :)
I disagree somewhat.....imo they shouldn't have to "toe the line" and not post in a particular thread just because some people might think they shouldn't because they might not like/trust them.
chezybezy: aye but you can be a polite nice and decent ninja though?
i think the main issue here is people are rubbing people up the wrong way, then asking how can i make amends then given friendly advice for said amends and then ignore that advice.
have i understood the general theme?
Maybe they believe that such advice isn't worth following or they want to go a different route? ;\
Imo some of the advice given to Seanobi/Draco has been sound, but I think work needs to be done on both ends of the "problem"......i.e. I believe that those who dislike/mistrust some newcomers(and are rude to same) should try to be better "role models" by treating such newcomers with a bit more civility & kindness. Reading some of the rude comments made in other threads towards Draco/Seanobi makes me wonder how such GOGgers can even consider themselves as nice/classy when they act in such a manner.
Post edited March 16, 2013 by GameRager
SirEyeball: You are completely right but that does not change the fact that if enough people take their ball and leave this thread is dead. That is a basic fact.
The gifters are the kings of this thread and rightly so.
We can have a non gifting thread with pleasantries but that would not be a ninja thread.
That being said Dracomage and Seanobi should not be blamed for doing a silent Ninja a lot of people have done that and how are you to know who got the games. I know in this instance the thank you thread was taken down so no Silent Ninja. I think it is OK to down vote the threads that are offensive but if you really want them to learn start by showing what is right and what is wrong in stead of instantly Down voting all.
In the end this thread will die if there is no love and trust between us forum dwellers. This is a delicate balancing act and you fell. Use the safety net and slowly crawl back up is all I am saying so as not to offend the great and generous gifters who keep this thread alive.
GameRager: Not's possible others will take their place(I know this is a possibility as I/others have popped in and offered games as well when we never did such before.).
Those deserving of the title can be such all they like(and deservedly so), but when the kings start acting(not all do but a small few do) like despots then it's time for a regime change, as it were.
Unless everyone started dressing in black and hiding in the shadows, maybe. ;)
I've been a victim of this myself(being silently downvoted en masse for senseless BS[when I said something that some didn't agree with or set someone off on a certain day]). As such, I guess I "feel" more for people that get the same treatment.

(This isn't to say I haven't been a right arse and deserving of the downrate on occasion, because I have.)
I agree that they should be civil but as long as they harm no one I don't think they should be barred from posting in here with polite comments.
wpegg: Ain't not no-one closing my thread!
tl;dr - This is a ninja thread guys, expect ninjas.
GameRager: Not no one not no how, even? ;)
And drinking.....lots and lots of drinking.....0.o

(But yeah, THIS......+1[I'd give more if I could, but sadly I can't no more boss.:(])
We agree on all accounts. I just appeal to their common sense so we can be spared hassle. They can post where they want and poach games and trade them all they want. I just hope they wont for the sake of peace and tact ;)
SirEyeball: We agree on all accounts. I just appeal to their common sense so we can be spared hassle. They can post where they want and poach games and trade them all they want. I just hope they wont for the sake of peace and tact ;)
If they "must" do such to avoid creating waves with the more stalwart GOG users then maybe it's those same users that should be made to change and not the newcomers they chastise. ;|
Also imo you get what you give.....if some GOGgers want these two to act/be a certain way then they should treat them as they want to be treated and be more polite to them. With the way some treated the both of them, I can sort of see why they chose not to heed most of the advice they've been given.
In the end I wish more would follow my views on giving for the sake of giving. When I hold giveaways I usually allow most to enter and I don't disallow or discourage those I(or others) might dislike from entering. Using one's own personal grudges/bias against some users when choosing who should/shouldn't be allowed to win/get games I/others offer seems(to me) to be just plain bullspit.
Post edited March 16, 2013 by GameRager
Post edited March 16, 2013 by Momo1991
GameRager: At least you're taking this more civilly than others here.
How do you feel on this? Do you honestly feel they deserve the treatment some are giving them(those downrating everything they say because they continue to post in here and/or take games)?

Imo those downrating everything those two post in here BECAUSE they post in here/continue to take games should look at themselves in the mirror before casting stones.
Maybe they truly feel that what they're doing isn't deserving of the treatment they get in return(and maybe they might be right to some small degree)? Jut some food for thought.
Momo1991: I think the advice they've been given about laying low for a bit has been ignored - maybe they think a day or two is gonna do it. But man, you guys are rough! (not you GR) Anyway, after I saw that dracomage had taken at least two games, it really got me - they don't give a crap about their rep and I get why so many other peeps are hopping mad at them.

Yeah, this is the ninja thread - I get that. No thanks are required - grab it and run. It's supposed to be fun though... and I, for one, was thrilled to both give AND grab.

Oh well, it isn't about taking my ball and going home rather the spirit of the game. And right now the spirit kinda sux around here. Its a gimme fest for these two not a game. Anyway certainly nobody here needs another mother so imma gonna shut up now.
Im done on this thread for now. I need to improve my image. So no need to worry about me anymore.
Momo1991: I think the advice they've been given about laying low for a bit has been ignored - maybe they think a day or two is gonna do it. But man, you guys are rough! (not you GR) Anyway, after I saw that dracomage had taken at least two games, it really got me - they don't give a crap about their rep and I get why so many other peeps are hopping mad at them.
Yeah, this is the ninja thread - I get that. No thanks are required - grab it and run. It's supposed to be fun though... and I, for one, was thrilled to both give AND grab.
Oh well, it isn't about taking my ball and going home rather the spirit of the game. And right now the spirit kinda sux around here. Its a gimme fest for these two not a game. Anyway certainly nobody here needs another mother so imma gonna shut up now.
I thought no one cared about rep and that we shouldn't care about it? ;)

But silly replies aside, I(again) don't think they should have to do what other people do lest they be considered even more negatively just because they didn't follow advice given to them.
As am/was I......but I don't think people dropping games here should do so if they're that picky about who gets them.

After all, as WPegg said(paraphrased)...: This thread is for people to snatch games(even without having anything to give in return or the intention of doing so) quickly. If people want to make sure only people they trust or like get the games then they could create a giveaway and make their own rules.

This thread is also not about being thanked(though that is nice and those that get stuff should do so at the very least), but about giving games for the sake of giving games to others. If one only gives games to get thanked and +1s then imo that's just BS.
Basically you don't like how the thread is functioning/who is allowed to get games so you're refusing to play. This is your right but don't act like it's not a shitty move to make.

dracomage1996: Im done on this thread for now. I need to improve my image. So no need to worry about me anymore.
Well GL then with whatever route your decide to take in life/on GOG....I hope you succeed in your future endeavors and find life to be a bit more pleasant in the future.
Post edited March 16, 2013 by GameRager
Momo1991: I think the advice they've been given about laying low for a bit has been ignored - maybe they think a day or two is gonna do it. But man, you guys are rough! (not you GR) Anyway, after I saw that dracomage had taken at least two games, it really got me - they don't give a crap about their rep and I get why so many other peeps are hopping mad at them.
Yeah, this is the ninja thread - I get that. No thanks are required - grab it and run. It's supposed to be fun though... and I, for one, was thrilled to both give AND grab.
Oh well, it isn't about taking my ball and going home rather the spirit of the game. And right now the spirit kinda sux around here. Its a gimme fest for these two not a game. Anyway certainly nobody here needs another mother so imma gonna shut up now.
GameRager: I thought no one cared about rep and that we shouldn't care about it? ;)

But silly replies aside, I(again) don't think they should have to do what other people do lest they be considered even more negatively just because they didn't follow advice given to them.
As am/was I......but I don't think people dropping games here should do so if they're that picky about who gets them.

After all, as WPegg said(paraphrased)...: This thread is for people to snatch games(even without having anything to give in return or the intention of doing so) quickly. If people want to make sure only people they trust or like get the games then they could create a giveaway and make their own rules.

This thread is also not about being thanked(though that is nice and those that get stuff should do so at the very least), but about giving games for the sake of giving games to others. If one only gives games to get thanked and +1s then imo that's just BS.
Basically you don't like how the thread is functioning/who is allowed to get games so you're refusing to play. This is your right but don't act like it's not a shitty move to make.

dracomage1996: Im done on this thread for now. I need to improve my image. So no need to worry about me anymore.
GameRager: Well GL then with whatever route your decide to take in life/on GOG....I hope you succeed in your future endeavors and find life to be a bit more pleasant in the future.
Thanks for sticking up for me.
dracomage1996: Thanks for sticking up for me.
Not a problem...just don't make me regret sticking my arse in the fire(so to speak)......:p


An aside to all: I was joking around with another forumite via PM about an idea for a social experiment I had in mind. Basically i'd make a giveaway but only allow those with negative rep/those accused of scamming(without proof, that is...not actual scammers)/other supposed "bad apples" to enter and see how many liked it. I was only joking at the time but now after seeing how you/Seanobi were treated semi-entertaining the idea. :\
Post edited March 16, 2013 by GameRager

It's cool that you continue to defend those two guys in such a theatrical way, but I would like to list some facts:
- Immediately after the registration in the forum they jumped in the threads of donations. Rude, perhaps, but acceptable;
- in the aforementioned threads they have flared, going well beyond what is considered the "gogtiquette";
- When we pointed out them what they they did wrong in response came insults;
- Then, they seemed to have realized the error and apologized;
- Shortly after, here they are reiterating the same mistakes.

Final budget:
- As a result of the abuse of the kind donations of the members of the forum, they have their pockets full of games;
- As a result of this abuse, the number that is under their name is negative. It is a small countermeasure to alert other members.

It's kinda strange reading "look into your mirror" and "this is a ninja giveaway, expect ninjas".
I look in my mirror and see nothing wrong in what I did: every place has its own rules, written or implied, and related penalties for infringements. A -1 is not a death sentence, indeed, it seems really bland: if you can not follow the rules or bear the punishment, get out, this is not the place for you.
And yes, I expect ninja, but I would love to see polite ninjas. I expect that there are grabbers, but do not complain when they are called by their name.
high rated
How about we all vent out some Steam with some magick . . .

36 46 36 4A 42
46 48 42 4D 4A
41 48 50 37 37

. . . in Vietnam?

36 49 47 5A 4D
51 43 39 34 52
58 32 39 43 52

Cheers all.
Drelmanes: :)
I don't do this, I only down repped draco here. I'll not pursue him in the forum to downrep every post :p
But I agree with others that they should wait some time before posting here again.
GameRager: I meant that I admired that you admitted to downrating him and explained why.....not many seem to be willing to do that. :)
I disagree somewhat.....imo they shouldn't have to "toe the line" and not post in a particular thread just because some people might think they shouldn't because they might not like/trust them.
If they continue to post here, they risk losing more rep. With time, people forget, that's why I suggested waiting a little.
low rated
GoatBoy: - As a result of the abuse of the kind donations of the members of the forum, they have their pockets full of games.
- As a result of this abuse, the number that is under their name is negative. It is a small countermeasure to alert other members.
It's kinda strange reading "look into your mirror" and "this is a ninja giveaway, expect ninjas".
I look in my mirror and see nothing wrong in what I did: every place has its own rules, written or implied, and related penalties for infringements.
A -1 is not a death sentence, indeed, it seems really bland: if you can not follow the rules or bear the punishment, get out, this is not the place for you.
And yes, I expect ninja, but I would love to see polite ninjas. I expect that there are grabbers, but do not complain when they are called by their name.
So? Other regulars here have fared the same from the kindness of others.
Imo it's more a way to co-erce such users into being as some want them to be......I find this to be a bunch of bullshit & no better than bullying, tbh.

Also please stop calling it abuse....that's both insulting and demaeaning to those who have suffered actual(physical/mental/financial abuse) abuse.
Just because you see nothing wrong with doing what you might've done doesn't mean it's the truth......also ever hear of the saying judge not lest ye be judged?

Yes, many places have unwritten rulesets, but not all of them are fair or are applied by all participants in a fair fashion or for good reasons.
Well that's just a shitty attitude to have.....basically: Do what we say(even if it's unreasonable) or gtfo.
As WPegg said: This isn't the thread you're looking for(if you want to give games and get thanks/+1s for doing so). Yes, it's nice when people say thanks but this isn't a requirement when getting something ITT.
Post edited March 16, 2013 by GameRager
SirEyeball: We agree on all accounts. I just appeal to their common sense so we can be spared hassle. They can post where they want and poach games and trade them all they want. I just hope they wont for the sake of peace and tact ;)
GameRager: If they "must" do such to avoid creating waves with the more stalwart GOG users then maybe it's those same users that should be made to change and not the newcomers they chastise. ;|
Also imo you get what you give.....if some GOGgers want these two to act/be a certain way then they should treat them as they want to be treated and be more polite to them. With the way some treated the both of them, I can sort of see why they chose not to heed most of the advice they've been given.
In the end I wish more would follow my views on giving for the sake of giving. When I hold giveaways I usually allow most to enter and I don't disallow or discourage those I(or others) might dislike from entering. Using one's own personal grudges/bias against some users when choosing who should/shouldn't be allowed to win/get games I/others offer seems(to me) to be just plain bullspit.
Again we agree on most. I feel that the forum should be open and generous to all. Some tact is in order though and sticking your head in the lions mouth might not always be the best idea. Not all givers feel like you and I and as it is their gift they can decide completely what to do with it.
low rated
Drelmanes: If they continue to post here, they risk losing more rep. With time, people forget, that's why I suggested waiting a little.
And that might work, but it doesn't solve the underlying problem of people holding grudges and harboring unusually high levels of mistrust for various things they consider wrong/dubious/etc.

SirEyeball: Again we agree on most. I feel that the forum should be open and generous to all. Some tact is in order though and sticking your head in the lions mouth might not always be the best idea.
Not all givers feel like you and I and as it is their gift they can decide completely what to do with it.
No, it isn't always the best idea, but when the lion sh*ts on your head it's often satisfying to wait until they're asleep and sh*t on their head as well.
Well you know what I think they should do with it if they want to be pissants about it? ;)

thegrasspillow: How about we all vent out some Steam with some magick . . .

36 46 36 4A 42
46 48 42 4D 4A
41 48 50 37 37

. . . in Vietnam?

36 49 47 5A 4D
51 43 39 34 52
58 32 39 43 52

Cheers all.
Is this like one of them number square the magicians used to perform on tv from time to time? :)

Also +1 if it is what I think it is.
Post edited March 16, 2013 by GameRager
thegrasspillow: How about we all vent out some Steam with some magick . . .

36 46 36 4A 42
46 48 42 4D 4A
41 48 50 37 37

. . . in Vietnam?

36 49 47 5A 4D
51 43 39 34 52
58 32 39 43 52

Cheers all.
I got these.. Thank you!