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dudetterinazor: and a Steam key for Defcon soundtrack:
Aww maaan, someone even stole the sundtrack, and didn't thank for it. Honestly, who steals a soundtrack?

Thanks and +1
Post edited March 16, 2013 by Momo1991
Sebek: Og gods im so fsking drunk right now.... I love ya all!!
I'll do a giveaway for Planescape in woden's day keep up the good work!
Love ya baby! I'mma go to bed. Nighty night :-)
Seanobi: Im in for it too!! :D
Can anyone tell me why this post is low rated?
Yeah, he edited his original post about an hour later and just left the "Thanks for talisman" comment.

He did mention he grabbed Fibrillation originally, and probably the Steam keys as well. With Desura it can be proven easily he took them, but with Steam pretty much impossible.
Seanobi: NR but +1 for all of you for being so generous... When I get something someday, I will return the favors :)
And why is this low rated? :\

(Whoever is low rating Seanobi for his civil posts[Not the ones which might actually deserve downrating, mind you] needs to get a life & look at themselves in the mirror if they think it's ok to act in such a manner to someone on GOG just because they don't like them.)
DraculaMarth: Last code for today

Splice for Steam


P= ]
dracomage1996: NR +1
Honestly, he gets downrated for saying NR but +1? What is this.....bizarroworld?
Post edited March 16, 2013 by GameRager
Post edited March 16, 2013 by Momo1991
teshra: 1. Lay low for a good while. You guys are constantly in this thread looking for oppurtunities and asking for keys when those oppurtunities arise. Granted you can ninja keys anonymously when they are posted in any number of threads but hanging around wherever keys may be posted or giveaways are made is not winning you any friends.

3. Last, I see you guys in any number of giveaway threads for which you are eligible that don't have rep requirements. Maybe, just maybe, for a while you enter those giveaways for someone else instead of yourselves. Find someone in those threads who have been nice to you or whom you've benefited from and enter on their behalf. There's one giveaway thread going on right now where you can win 5 games and a few forum members have entered on behalf of a certain generous and valued member of this community to give him/her more chances. And yet there you are wanting 5 more games and saying you can't wait to give back one day. Again, it just rings hollow and this is one way to "give back" like you keep saying.
Take this however you will. Its just my opinion and nothing more. It also probably applies to more than just you two but you both are getting picked on a lot more as it is, just for being new, but there are some others who just do it better and more stealthily and have the benefit of being here longer. Its the nature of any website where there is the potential to obtain free games.
I don't know if this is good advice, bad advice or what. Its just something I've been aware of and noticed over the past week or so. It may be better to keep this to myself as everyone won't take it the way I intend and in the end, its always your call with what you do and how you handle adversity. The giveaways will still be there, the ninja thread still exists and free games are free games afterall and that tends to make people behave different than they would otherwise.
Good advice, for the most part, but I don't see why they shouldn't be able to ninja codes/enter contests just because they did something someone didn't like in the past & because some might not trust/like them here.
People are often mistrustful of outsiders & newcomers(both online and irl), sadly. This is just part of our nature.....and another reason which makes me ashamed to be on this planet/part of the human race. (This may sound a bit melodramatic, but it's true.)
At least you offered some advice and kept it civil....for that you get a +1 and a big hug. :)
I still have my spare steam key for Crayon Physics Deluxe sitting here. If any of you out there doesn't have it yet let me know.
dracomage1996: Thanks for talisman
Momo1991: AND Fibrillation?? Srsly, dracomage1996, I thought you were attempting to be better but Talisman and Fibrillation - what else did you take - and not thank the poster for? -1
He thought nobody would notice -1
proof.jpg (122 Kb)
Seanobi: ............
F*ck, I am sorry everyone but whoever downrated this post doesn't have a conscience & can kiss my fat hairy arse.
Seriously both Seanobi and dracomage stay of this thread or it will shut down I implore you. This is the best thread on the forum we have some giggles and sweep some games. You should not ruin that use the rest of the forum rebuild your image and when you have a better standing and people have forgotten past transgressions you can come back to this. It reminds me of when I smoked and worked as a teacher. Everybody wanted to stay in the smokers lounge for the breaks because we had a good time even the non smokers some could pull it of and others not those that couldn't withdrew to the nonsmokers and we all got along. This is the smokers lounge and you need to withdraw to the nonsmokers for a while. To quote chandler from friends Seriously feel the room.
Momo1991: And let me remind you that there are plenty of unemployed peeps - you aren't the only person struggling to make ends meet in this community. Being jobless is no excuse for bad behavior - and greediness is bad behavior.
Not to pick on you specifically, but wouldn't that make many here who enter many of the giveaways(and those who hang around the ninja thread alot) greedy as well? Or does that not apply to them because they've been GOG members longer and/or given away games in the past?
Seanobi: ............
GameRager: F*ck, I am sorry everyone but whoever downrated this post doesn't have a conscience & can kiss my fat hairy arse.
I actually agree with you it should only be posts that are downright wrong that should be DV. aside from thatt if the majority won't use the Ninja thread because a minority uses it differently the minority have to think about their actions and maybe do their own thread with their own moral codex. Unfortunately this really nice and trusting forum is seething with mistrust ( and bad feelings atm and the past actions of these two seems to be hard to forget so they should do as I said in my previous post as firm but friendly wagging finger.
I think they might be getting down rated because they keep continuing to go for games even though they have received so much advice from people and being persistent with just giveaway threads instead of making a good image for themselves elsewhere, I guess people just disagree with them that way, I mean saying sorry all you want and then continuing to go for games just doesn't seem right like a guilt trip or something ( personally I don't mind them but still they don't come across as if they truly care for the people either )

Sorry for the long post just thought I would throw my two cents in here
Post edited March 16, 2013 by Elvin37
dracomage1996: Thanks for talisman
Momo1991: AND Fibrillation?? Srsly, dracomage1996, I thought you were attempting to be better but Talisman and Fibrillation - what else did you take - and not thank the poster for? -1
I thanked him for fibrillation, but got low rated on that post.