JMich: For the "New User" part, click "My Settings" and you should be able to change the "Forum Title" part there.
As for D3D, it was given for free during December, and there should be quite a few codes available.
No can do. Maybe I need to pump up my post count in order to be able to change it.
There is some interesting stuff I found in my drawers I'll try to find some time to try out. Maybe I'll get a new FPS game some other time after that. Among those interesting objects there were shrink-wrapped copies of Serious Sam I & II and Painkiller. Painkiller was not complete, the 1st cd was missing but maybe I can find it... There was also a complete set of Unreal (the original one, a real beauty if you have a Glide capable graph card) and Unreal Tournament '99. So, no need for D3D for now, I won't be done with these in a long time. Andif I just find the Steam account details somewhere.. there should be an Orange Box there.
e: I could swear changing titleswas not possible before.. but now it was :)