Posted November 03, 2012

Registered: Mar 2009
From United States

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia

Saiyan Ninja
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom

*Kicks shin*
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted November 03, 2012
I like Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia more than Terranigma. Tried twice to play Terranigma and quit in roughly the same spot.
also I like Secret of Evermore more than Secret of Mana or SD3 >______>
also I like Secret of Evermore more than Secret of Mana or SD3 >______>

Silent Assassin
Registered: Jul 2012
From India
Posted November 03, 2012
Post edited November 03, 2012 by tarunmutreja

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia
Posted November 03, 2012

ever heard of Radical Dreamers? It's supposedly the 2nd game... or something between the 2...
Super Famicom. No wonder I never heard of it!
To me it seems it's something between 2. Still, it's shame there is no 4th game. :)

Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted November 03, 2012

also I like Secret of Evermore more than Secret of Mana or SD3 >______>
Overall, was a very enjoyable game.

ever heard of Radical Dreamers? It's supposedly the 2nd game... or something between the 2...

Super Famicom. No wonder I never heard of it!
To me it seems it's something between 2. Still, it's shame there is no 4th game. :)
Post edited November 03, 2012 by TVs_Frank

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia
Posted November 03, 2012

Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted November 03, 2012

Try to force yourself past it. It's really great afterwards.

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia
Posted November 03, 2012

Super Famicom. No wonder I never heard of it!
To me it seems it's something between 2. Still, it's shame there is no 4th game. :)

Try to force yourself past it. It's really great afterwards.

Post edited November 03, 2012 by IronStar

Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted November 03, 2012

FF6's English and European translations were... very goofy because in Japanese the game's dialogue JUST fit on the cart. And Japanese is much more efficient in conveying a message in fewer bytes than Latin based alphabets. So you got hilariously stilted dialogue at times because they had to convey the same message in as little bytes as possible. Ultimately, makes me wonder if FF4 had some of the same difficulties (probably not, FF6 featured so many ridiculously cool cutscenes in comparison).

Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 03, 2012
I will give a Geneforge Saga Steam key to the first person who can figure out how I made this PNG not only animated, but change color when you refresh the page.
EDIT: I don't need a detailed description. Just something that kind of explains that you get how it works.
EDIT2: And it's not an APNG.
EDIT: I don't need a detailed description. Just something that kind of explains that you get how it works.
EDIT2: And it's not an APNG.
Post edited November 03, 2012 by johnki

Registered: Sep 2011
From Brazil
Posted November 03, 2012
EDIT: I don't need a detailed description. Just something that kind of explains that you get it.
EDIT2: And it's not an APNG.

Call Me Gar
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted November 03, 2012
I know how you made it move, but I have no clue about changing the color upon refresh, not familiar with either the coding for it or what you did with the image itself. But, since I'm not interested in a Geneforge Steam key, I'll be quiet :P

Smile is the key
Registered: Sep 2011
From France
Posted November 03, 2012
EDIT: I don't need a detailed description. Just something that kind of explains that you get how it works.
EDIT2: And it's not an APNG.