DieRuhe: Hmm, rarely any. And even if the situation is somewhat disturbing, there's never really any fear or anything, so I guess I would say, none.
edit: tonight I'll have a nightmare about "nightmare's"... :-)
Antimateria: You have none nightmares.. Ever?
Edit: Then you don't want to see what I see.. It's.. Well, it sucks.. All I wan't to sleep sometimes.
Nope, not really. As I said, slightly disturbing, maybe, but then in those types I see things but they don't affect me. Like, I remember one time having my thigh sliced open somehow, and underneath the skin was all sorts of cables and wires. Just weird stuff, but not scary.
And just recently, in one I was making out with some girl and this dark figure appeared out of nowhere and grabbed her; the next thing I knew she was lying on the ground, dead. I was like, "You mother f***er!" I was more upset that I wasn't able to make out with her anymore than the fact that she was dead...