tinyE: It wasn't that EH was bad, I just thought it was the same old thing. It had it's creepy parts but the whole movie just seemed like someone trying to recreate all the scary scenes from other sci-fi horror movies and put it into one.
Strijkbout: I thought Event Horizon was rather good tbh as it made good use of the psychological state of the crew which I find rather unique, and I can't see very much how this was clichéd from other sci-fi horror movies as there aren't that much, Alien is very different for example.
I found that Pandorum tried hard to rip Event Horizon off, but I even liked that one though less than Event Horizon.
Hm. I guess we watched Event Horizon differently tinyE. I instantly got hit by the atmosphere and how well the psychological horror was handled as Strijkbout said. The whole film was so oppressive and tense.
I also can't see how it is the same old thing. Yeah it's basically the old premise of a group of people trapped in a isolated place where something dangerous is going on that they don't understand but it's done in such a good way that it feels new.
We're probably different kind of horror film persons. Some like jump scares, some ripper, some splatter and so forth. Me I like most horror subgenres it just that some gets to me much more.
I liked Pandorum too. Sort of a mix of Event Horizon and Aliens. An underrated film I think. It did everything right. Not exceptionally right but above average.