Fenixp: It went like this:
One day, GOG stuff was thinking of cool things to implement. Suggestions contained things like an optional client, friedns list, hosting popular MP games sold here on GOG servers, Linux support. As the evening turned to night and more and more empty bottles of booze were piling up on the floor, an employee I'm not going to name here came forward and said:
"Guy... *hic*, guys, g...guys, I know!"
The rest of the present staff, well those who were still conscious, turned to the bold speaker. When one of them opened his mouth, bits of food and alcohol came out. This short speech could be translated as: "ABANDON THE SHIP!" - our unnamed hero didn't quite know this, because he's had too much trouble just focusing on a single point in spacetime continuum, let alone read thoughts of bacteria in his colleague's stomach. Thankfully, certain other employee wasn't quite as touched by the event as he was quite used to having extremely low blood percentage amongst all the alcohol, so he actually managed to say: "Whhhhhhha is it, Judas?" A couple of mice who happened to run about three feet away from his mouth died during the occasion.
"I've got an idea!" Now as we all know, that's most certainly not a sentence you want to hear from a drunken man. If they ended up peeing form nearby bridge on passing cars, that would be fine and dandy, but something far worse came out of his mouth: "We should... We should create a reputation system! You know, our regular posters will get points and they will be all happy! But, we should also introduce button to reduce the reputation, and make the entire system completely pointless so people are bugged by it completely needlessly." In his enthusiasm, his tongue forgot that it should be far less agile.
Suddenly, silence prevailed. A tumbleweed rolled trough the room and melted upon contact with the pool created by the first employee 'speaking'. A goat spontaneusly combusted in Germany.
When this brief period ended, the second employee stood up and said: "Make it happen!" to the present team of programmers. As he turned out to be out hero's boss, he swiftly added: "And give this man a promotion!"
In the morning of the following day, two programmers woke up, sleeping at their keyboards. Their eyes widened in fear as they saw The Code, written under the influence of strong beverages, incomprehensible to a mere mortal. And the forums... Suddenly contained rep system. For the longest time, everyone avoided The Code, until management decided that the rep system causes more harm than it does good. We all know what followed upon the attempt to remove the code. The histotic event is known as "The great GOG shutdown of 2010"
This is as good as it gets and very believable too. Thanks man. :)