Gersen: But even if that happen nothing will happen to the games you already downloaded, they won't stop working 24 hours later. That kind of make a huge difference.
That is true, no arguing about that. My point being, the account still gets locked, but here because the games do not have an active DRM system, can still be used. However! If you have not downloaded a game, and an account gets banned, you will not have access to that game.
... not sure which other arguments to give to separate the DRM and account, things can be turned to be "positive" to both sides of this discussion, and honestly, this is stepping into the "games are DRMed!" discussion that I'd like to avoid. :)
Also, it is not different than I'd say most of the account-based services that are available out there, so personally I don't understand what the big fuss is about.
If that is what by banned you were referring to, then okay, I can't think of a way to get your GOG account banned, if the social / forum features are separate from the billing / account features.
... perhaps by sharing your account to multiple people publicly?