Sequiro: Lets see, They should have named it Xbox DRM instead of Xbox One.
-Required fee to play a used game, whether you buy it, rent it or borrow it from a friend.
-Forced internet connection once every 24 hours.
-Horrible Kinect gimmick expanded and shoved down our throats again so we can get more bad games like Star Wars Kinect.
-Xbox Live will still cost monthly fee despite gamer complaints
-Forced install of all games to HDD.
-Cloud service that if used by devs and likely will be pressured to use it to push its abilities will make even single player games require constant internet connection.
-Horrible.. TV gimmick.. Who the hell actually watches TV anymore? I watch all shows and videos on the net. Youtube, Netflix..etc
wodmarach: Your list in order.
Still not completely set right now ATM its 24 hours may still change
So what kinect gets more accurate and useful, oh and PS camera is also supposedly in box according to rumours hell it must be for that stupid light bar to do what they say.
Only people who complain are Sony gamers most Xbox players don't mind it.
Oh look just like PC!
Hmm I can make my game bigger without hurting graphics etc....
Most normal people! Sorry to burst your bubble but we aren't your average person we're techies
1. Not debunked, confirmed. Any game you install is tied to your account. Any other account that tries to use that game has to pay a fee. If you bring a game over to a friends house, you can play it, but you have to log into your account on their Xbox to do that, otherwise your friend has to pay a fee. For new games that fee is the actual price of a new game.
2. Whether or not it is "set" it exists and that is a bad thing. The fact is, the console will require a internet connection, the only question is how often.
3. A camera that constantly runs, whether or not you are actually using the console, and monitors you and your living room to identify who is and isn't there on a console that is constantly connected to the internet... yeah, they'll never violate our privacy with that. Oh, and the PS camera, included but not required to run the console, unlike the Kinect.
4. That's only because Xbox gamers have deluded themselves into thinking that a paid service is somehow better than what everyone else offers completely free. Also, you are quite wrong, plenty of Xbox gamers are sick of paying for Xbox Live just so they can do things that everyone else is able to do for free.
5. A PC is not a console, never has been. If you run out of storage room on your PC, you can always upgrade the drive. Can't do that with the new Xbox, gotta use external drives, which are great for backing up files, not so much for running software off them.
6. The machine has a bluray drive, the cloud isn't needed... except as a sneaky form of DRM.
7. Gotta agree with you on this one, however, I think it is safe to say that most people do not buy a game console to watch TV, they buy it to play games.
And now for a little bit of funny: