Elenarie: -Good.
I guess this is new to console owners, but bleh, nothing to cry about. .
OmegaX: Well, this is a thread about a new console. I know MS can do no wrong in your eyes but at least you should be able to understand why previous Xbox owners will be upset. Or do you remember the transition to Steam being smooth? It took years until it caught on.
This is a pretty risky move by MS specially when its 2 main competitors aren't doing this.
Now those EA statements about dropping online passes make sense. Of course, why would they need online passes anymore if the new Xbox is doing offline passes mandatory?
Never purchased an online pass, and never will, and Microsoft forcing it will make me even less likely to purchase their system.
I think what the big corps need to start understanding is that none of us appreciate them attempting to make our choices for us. It's all about options. Give us the option for your "features," never make it mandatory.
This makes me wonder if they bothered with focus groups on this at all.