MGShogun: Yeah, I'm mostly interesting in watches for everyday use. I tend to use watch to keep track of time when I'm running, though.
But Timex has few awesome designs so I'm thinking about getting few for various occasions.
Also, I'm surprised that Timex has high rating reviews on Amazon compared to other watch manufacturers.
I'm not sure if I want to get Seiko, lol. They're really out of my price range. But thank you for recommending Timex. I truly appreciated it. Gotta save up a little bit so I can get myself a couple of Timex watches.
I've had good luck with them, I usually go with Timex Ironman Triathalon.
I think the reviews are generally good because most of the models get minimal refreshes from time to time. I've mostly worn the same model for probably 15 years. They don't seem to worry about people needing to buy a new one prematurely and focus more on quality.
The only one I've ever had go bad was the result of a botched battery swap. And that tends to only be about every 7 years or so, ultimately if you just buy a new one at that point, you're still getting a pretty good deal.
Seikos are indeed expensive, but if you know where to shop and don't mind wearing a model that's a bit old, you can get quite a deal. The one I have was originally $650, but I think I got it for closer to $150 because it was a couple years out of date. It's a beautiful watch and has a feature to let me know when it's running low on power, something that most analog watches don't have.
But yes, that's expensive, you could generally get a few cheaper watches for that and just keep spares.