keeveek: I don't know.
Money. Assets. Know-How. People. Research. Probably entire fucking building full of people who do only market research and analysis?
I don't know but I would say that it's easier to get to know what games you like to play than your personal information on Steam where many people don't buy directly and thus they don't need to fill true details.
Okay, let's say you can get to know a certain percentage of true combination of name, gender, birth. A lot of people write it everywhere and if not, debit/credit card reveals them. With occasional questionnaires sent, you get additional information. As for sexuality, I would say that it's more profitable to just track what people romance in-game or what type of action figures they buy and follow the trend. I guess someone can consider a person playing as a male and romancing female character to be straight. Be it a woman or a man.
I don't mention forums because I suppose a company is interested in customers not "fans" who might be vocal but just pirate games or buy pre-owned copies and that's not a type of customer a subject interested in profit needs to cater.
keeveek: Dude. Youre bringing up a movie being almost one hundred percent aimed at men and their fantasies into a conversation about feminism!
Also, you do not talk about fight club!
Come on, Fight Club is for everyone! It's classic. And Marla has my undying respect for her unique style of shaving. Sadly, a majority of people I know haven't seen it or dislike it. The movie seems to be usually liked by people who are disgusted by The System™, regardless of their sex. In my experience, of course.